Hubitat losing network connection

I was using the override DNS setting listed in your example with a static IP and they were not working. I could access the hub, but could not ping from the network test page. I could ping from other hosts on the LAN.

I am currently using DHCP with the override DNS. I also have reconnect set to 30 seconds.

That value in my previous post is specific to DHCP. There is a similar value for static IP setup. If you're setting the hub with static IP, the router also needs to be aware that a particular device connected to it is using static IP address. That configuration is router specific.

The static IP assigned to HE is assigned via DHCP. I'm not sure about the network speed but can check into that further.

The device is at the point that I can't even get it to come up to where I can manage any settings or control any of my devices. My family is losing faith and wants to go back to ST :frowning: ... but I'm not giving up that easy!


That's no good. I'm tagging @support_team. Maybe someone experienced in network issues, like @gopher.ny can take a look at the engineering logs of your hub to see if anything significant pops up. @support_team will ask for your permission before retrieving engineering logs.



I tagged @support in my original post but haven't heard back. What is the difference between that tag and @support_team?

Netgear network equipment is not good at auto negotiating the link speed of the hub. Based on the details shared, setting the hub to fixed 100mbps might resolve the problem. If not, please send me a private message with your hub ID and we will further investigate.

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Goes to a larger group of individuals. And, for that reason, is the preferred tag.