For the past few weeks my hubitat locks up in the wee hours of the day. I pulled the logs and this is what is happening.
dev:2582019-05-13 04:52:42.443 am errorjava.sql.SQLException: Connections could not be acquired from the underlying database! (parse)
dev:2582019-05-13 04:52:42.441 am errorjava.sql.SQLException: Connections could not be acquired from the underlying database! (parse)
app:1642019-05-13 04:51:41.799 am errorjava.sql.SQLException: Connections could not be acquired from the underlying database! (postReportState)
dev:672019-05-13 04:51:41.704 am errorjava.sql.SQLException: Connections could not be acquired from the underlying database! (parse)
dev:1382019-05-13 04:51:41.570 am errorjava.sql.SQLException: Connections could not be acquired from the underlying database! (parse)
dev:2062019-05-13 04:51:41.348 am errorjava.sql.SQLException: An SQLException was provoked by the following failure: com.mchange.v2.resourcepool.ResourcePoolException: A ResourcePool cannot acquire a new resource -- the factory or source appears to be down. (parse)
dev:1932019-05-13 04:51:41.344 am errorjava.sql.SQLException: An SQLException was provoked by the following failure: com.mchange.v2.resourcepool.ResourcePoolException: A ResourcePool cannot acquire a new resource -- the factory or source appears to be down. (parse)
dev:2062019-05-13 04:51:41.324 am errorjava.sql.SQLException: Connections could not be acquired from the underlying database! (parse)
dev:2062019-05-13 04:51:41.210 am errorjava.sql.SQLException: An SQLException was provoked by the following failure: com.mchange.v2.resourcepool.ResourcePoolException: A ResourcePool cannot acquire a new resource -- the factory or source appears to be down. (parse)
app:1642019-05-13 04:51:41.079 am errorjava.sql.SQLException: Connections could not be acquired from the underlying database! (pokeDevices)
dev:2062019-05-13 04:51:40.937 am errorError in parse() routine, error = java.sql.SQLException: An SQLException was provoked by the following failure: com.mchange.v2.resourcepool.ResourcePoolException: A ResourcePool cannot acquire a new resource -- the factory or source appears to be down.
app:1642019-05-13 04:51:10.460 am errororg.quartz.JobPersistenceException: Couldn't obtain job names: General error: "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Reading from nio:/data/hub/ failed; file length -1 read length 384 at 181314375 [1.4.197/1]"; SQL statement:
Me too. Probably a couple of times a week. Reboot fixes it.
I've raised a ticket into support.
Also had 3.0 rules not running.
Delete and re-define them and they then work OK.
I'm wondering if the hotfixes are leaving some corruption behind.
Who knows. Will see what support comes back with.
This is my scenario as well.
I've deleted and re-written all the rules that play up and they don't fail again.
I can only think they have gotten corrupt somehow and cause issues with the hub.
It is happening for me too. Hub locks up after the midnight last 4-5 days in a row. Reboot in the morning bring it back normal. I miss all the automation setup during this time.
Still waiting to here from support if they have found anything going on with my hub. @bobbyD? Any ideas yet. Ticket 13033.
EDIT: Just had a response from support as follows: - The good news is that the problem doesn't look like is related to your rules or Rule Machine. But rather with some of your custom drivers, specifically Fibaro Double Switch and Fibaro Smoke. I suggest switching these to built-in drivers if possible to see if the problem goes away.
Seems a bit strange that everything has been fine for months and now it's an issue, but I don't know.
As for the devices, there isn't anything built in to change them too, so thats a non starter.
Guess I'll have to see if things still keep playing up and decide what to do from there.
I went through all m rules and rewrote them so they were all on 3.0. In the past week my HE has crashed (red led on) twice. It NEVER has crashed before. I don't know if the two are related or not, but I haven't added anything.
Beginning to wonder if RM 3,0 is indeed a problem.
That was my experience too. Since the last hotfix I have deleted and redefined the rules that have become inconsistent. Sometimes they worked sometimes they didn't. Since doing this they work 100% of the time and my hub is more stable.
I'm not saying that this is the 'cure all' but it is working for me.