Hubitat.local doesn't work anymore?

I used to always access my hub using hubitat.local (it that mDNS?) and never had a problem with it working.

Now, it almost never works. I can restart the hub and it'll work right away after but it won't last long. I tried on several browsers too just to make sure it's not a browser issue.

I'm not sure if it was a recent software update but I have to imagine it was. I'm currently running with a C7 and connected to ethernet. No other networking (router/modem/etc) changes have been made in a long while)

Is there some way to diagnose this? Is anyone else noticing the same thing or is just me? Trying to at least figure out if it's something on my side somehow



Install bonjour on your pc. Personally I just set a dhcp reservation and go straight to the ip itself

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It has worked great in the past - nothing needed to be installed (I'm on a mac btw so it seems like bonjour is built-in)

sure, i can access the hub by IP and I realize it's a little faster.. but, there's a convenience of being able to type it in and know it'll work on any device. I also can give others direct links to things like the filemanager (ie: http://hubitat.local/hub/fileManager) without needing to worry about the IP

anyway, just wondering if something changed.. not even really sure how to debug it

Google "reset bonjour cache mac"


Funny. I have noticed this, but assumed it was some local issue. If I use my local link for ZigBee child devices, then everything else suddenly works. Not a huge deal, but curious to hear from others.

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Please check your hub's Hub Details page under Settings. I know there was a change recently made in one of firmware releases to add the feature where one can choose the ".local" name they'd like to use for each hub.

Do you have more than one Hubitat Hub? If just the one, then I would think that hubitat.local would still be fine. :thinking:


I'm finding mDNSResponder takes a few minutes after waking from sleep (Ventura).

Not that I have ever used this, but I just notice 2 of my 3 production hubs plus my spare were all set to β€œHubitat”

Learn something new everyday :grin:

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I suddenly was having the same problem. Since all of my Favorites to devices, apps, settings, etc., use Hubitat.Local I had to use FindMyHub to get it to come up.

I have a 3 tower TP-Link mesh system and my C-8 is plugged into one of the satellites. When I went into the TP-Link Deco app on my iPhone it showed up as Hubitat C-8. I tried changing the name to that per the above screenshot but that didn't work. I then reverted back to just Hubitat and clicked the Save Settings button. Since I did that I can now get to everywhere using my Hubitat.Local saved favorites.

Somehow it seems the "correct" name didn't get stored/set properly when this new setting was introduced. Try changing the name to something else, saving it, revert to just Hubitat, save that and see if it works. That's what worked for me.

thanks for that info - I'll try this and let you know

This seemed to work on my PC, but not on my Android phone (Pixel 8).

And FWIW, my iPad was able to resolve hubitat.local just fine even before I tried the name change in the settings. :man_shrugging:t3:

EDIT: This stops working on PC after like 10-15 min, it seems :confused: