Hubitat Live!

lol. They didn’t. There was briefly a shot of the app in the list, but they specifically were like “nope. You didn’t see that”. Lol.

That said. Everyone knows it’s coming. I believe we assume in next version.

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Yup. Also ....


I'm looking forward to the chromecast fixes... I know I saw it in a post somewhere that they were going to resolve the dropped connections...that will be nice.

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I was a big supporter moving from smartthings and recall “the” post that was deleted - drama!

Being a creature of comfort I replicated the colour scheme of the slate skin on my hubitat dashboards - but beyond colour scheme/ icon preferences we already have the easy to use, paid for cloud dashboard solution - sharptools.

What does actiontiles bring to the table that differentiates itself ? Choice / competition is of course good, so maybe that’s enough; but does actiontiles bring anything new to the table? Has it evolved in any way over the last few years? Or is it still the tile row on row interface ?

One of the biggest drawbacks of DIY home automation in my opinion are the limited well designed solutions we have to physically interact with. Whether that’s retrofit smart bulb controls stuck to walls next to existing light switches; or the peculiar remotes that have symbols on them that mean nothing but do resemble spaceship controls from a low budget sci-fi film; through to the limited dashboard solutions available.

What is missing are elegant and well designed ways to interact with our automation systems; with all the innovation in DIY home automation; this is more often than not overlooked. Not suggesting it’s an easy problem to solve but this is where we desperately need some innovation..


This is where we need some experienced, trained UI designers, not some hardware and software engineers who do UI design as an afterthought. Good UI design needs to be part of the process from the start. It’s the only way to end up with “just works” interfaces that only expose what is needed and controls that interact with hardware and software systems in an intuitive way.


couldn’t agree with this more - very well put

food for thought. If hubitat wants to get some amazingly (and cheap) UI designers on a contract basis i can hook you up with a couple of companies who do this type of work in eastern europe. For a project at work i built advanced data pipelines for processing of real time data with a visual layout of processing elements for the data explorer. We spent tiny amounts of money (think well under $10K) for a really amazing design with drag and drop and a modern element style design that we plugged our object model into.

Happy to facilitate a contact. The ones we used where in ukraine if i recall (one of the russian speaking tech leads on my team at the time managed that interaction). Totally worth the money and i didn't have to go an hire UI people. It helps a lot if you are clear with your design intent to the contractors though, they will iterate but knowing what you want is essential.

I should share that i am not on the contract programmer business. i just used gui team to contract for me. i have no financial or otherwise tie in with that industry besides having had a good experience.


I don't know where UI is in the list of things to do. I would suspect not near the top. I'm not sure it's mainsteam enough to warrant the cost.

I hope that a refresh of the UI is "on the list".
Of course, we all understand that UI is something of less importance than "getting everything working", but I hope that we are rapidly coming to the time when things are settling down, and there are small innovations, not LARGE ones. In that kind of environment, a better UI should be closer to the top than to the bottom of the list.