Hubitat lifx intergration - one lifx light wont' add

I'm having LIFX issues as well. I've given them static IP addresses.

I have 2 of them. A while back, one lost its mind and I was unable to get it to add into the LIFX app even. No clue. Tried a new LIFX bulb, no luck and no idea why it suddenly refused to add into the app. I suspect there is a router issue with their app.

However, the other LIFX bulb was working fine both in the LIFX app on with the Hubitat.

Until recently. The last event for this up-until-now-working one was 6/16...and I no longer see it as being in the LIFX app (and a refresh does nothing). This one, however DOES work from the LIFX app itself (just not the Hubitat). It looks like I was on when it last responded.

Odd. Frustrating. They have a useful shape for my purpose, which is why I got them--but they are very annoying in terms of working properly lately.

Is anything blocking UDP?

Nothing should be.

mDNS working ok between the wireless and wired segments of your network?

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Usually when this happens something is blocking broadcasting.

Nothing's really changed that I know of.

Just a couple ASUS wifi routers in an AiMesh. I don't have a fancy Data Center grade network yet (looking at what I could do with Google Fiber 2G...I keep pondering an upgrade :slight_smile: ).

I'd check them and make sure UDP and upnp are allowed just to be safe. Are you running any vlan's?

No vlans (just a large network IP range with a subnet mask of

Not sure I even have a setting to disable UDP.

which model routers do you have? And are they updated to their latest firmware?

ASUS RT-AX89X and RT-AX3000

They autoupdate and are on the most recent firmware.

I'm going to delete the intergration and re set up .hope it works.

Few other lights are not working but work fine in the lifx app.

Not sure if this helps anybody or not but I was having similar issues to the LifX bulbs having communication issues not only when adding but also when trying to command through my Hubitat. After they were added, I disabled the ability for the LifX devices to "roam" on my mesh network. Once I disabled that option, I power cycled the bulbs all has been working great.


I'm having the very same issue with one of my 14 LIFX bulbs.

It's hardly likely to be a router issue if all the other bulbs are integrating normally, is it?