Hubitat is a well respected, and a very stable platform!

Fresh content from the Automate Your Life YouTube channel: "Hubitat is a well respected and a very stable platform." Check out Brian's latest video:


Shocking! I rarely watched his videos in past because they are so Smartthings heavy.

ST has a 200 device limit? I have 246 on one hub, and 61 on the other hub, and I am about to add another 20 or so virtual switches to easier control some RGB lighting (preset color selection).

I also love it when people on Reddit and elsewhere say "ST runs local now!". I guess it does, but at the same time it doesn't always. What a weird ecosystem.

I won't spoil the ending, but interesting what he says about each hub.


Yes and to make things extremely frustrating they would lift that restriction but then a release or 2 later reimpose it with a new app update. Here are over 200 posts for your viewing pleasure :rofl:


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