Hubitat Installed, But Can't Do Anything

After discovering my hub on the network, logging in, registering the device and updating the firmware, I can't go anywhere from the main screen. When I mouse over settings, for example, I see the target link is:

however, when I click any menu option I always end up at:

I'm stuck at the welcome screen with various cards, Group Devices, View Devices, etc. Can't get to settings or anywhere else. Using Chrome for a browser.

I have seen that happen once or twice, but not sure why. Our engineers are looking into it. Meanwhile, go to the following page directly:, and it should work fine going forward.

(replace with actual IP address for your hub)


Here's a link to a video of what is happening. When I clicked your link @bobbyD I just got Page Cannot Be Displayed. Edit, I just noticed your message to replace the IP address section. Oops!

That took me to a white screen where I couldn't do anything, however I did go to the main page manually and now I can navigate. Thanks!


Best thing to do now is update to the latest platform, then update your z-wave stack )You will see the button on settings>>z-wave details at the top. Once it's updated it will disappear.

Also please read this, especially the z-wave section

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As per my original post, I already updated the firmware. The only thing I added for devices, after everything was working, is 2 ZigBee Door Contact Switches.

Right but I posted that for rules of thumb going forward.

Actually, that is not the button users should be looking for, when updating the firmware.

The one above is to update Z-Wave Settings, not the firmware. If an update is available, the button will state clearly: "Firmware Update". Absence of the Firmware Update button means that hub has already been updated.


NOTE this will be more clear in the next release, when the Update button will change to Save, to limit this confusion.