Hubitat HVAC
I have six Keen vent zones. Each monitor a room sensor, and compare it to a virtual thermostat to determine if vent open/closed.
I have RM rules for each vent-zone. (let’s say cooling mode) So, if the room sensor says it’s too warm (comparing the setpoint of the virtual thermostat to the room sensor), turn on AC, and when it reaches set-point to turn the AC off. I have Ecobee4 integration.
I’ve tried numerous ways to configure the system but can’t quite come up with the ideal solution. I’ve tried using global vars, auto settings, etc. I can’t seem to wrap my head around the main Ecobee4’s role and how to control it.
If one zone needs the AC on, it’s easy to call the Ecobee4 and switch mode to cool, and Keen will keep all the vents in the zones that don’t need to cool down closed and open the zone that needs it. Easy peasy.
If a second zone needs the AC, it calls Ecobee4 and sets it to cool, but since it’s already on that mode, no issues, the AC just continues to cool, and Keen opens the vents to the second zone. Easy peasy.
I’m trying to figure out the best way to turn the AC off in different scenarios.
So, when one of the two cooling zones reaches the set-point, the KeenecticLite will tell the vents in that zone to close. Easy peasy. But what does that zone/virturalThermostat tell the real-life Ecobee4? If it changes the mode to off, then the AC turns off before the remaining zone is cool enough (hasn’t reached its set-point as determined by that zone’s virtual thermostat).
Does HE poll (or the virtual thermostat) poll the Ecobee4 (or vise versa) to see if any other virtual Therms are set to cool and adjust as necessary?
Do I set the Ecobee4 to auto from the first zone to reach temp? Will that allow the AC to remain on for the second zone that is not at setpoint yet?
Do I set the Ecobee4 heating set-point to, say 45F in the summer to make sure it never turns on, and let the virtual Thermostats turn “off” the AC by setting it to Auto? Do I set the heat and cooling set-points via the virtual thermostat?
And, finally, how do I control the Ecobee4 setpoint? If zone A (above example) wants to cool to 72F, and zone B to 70F? If zone A reaches first, what does it tell Ecobee4? Do I keep the Ecobee4 cooling set-point to something lower than the lowest zone set-point is configured? Or is everything dynamic?
cc: @reid.a.baldwin