Hubitat Honeywell T6 Thermostat Driver Not Working

The built in Hubitat driver for the Honeywell T6 thermostat appears to be broken. I added one of them and anytime I try to make a Basic Rule , I get an error:

I tried the other two thermostats I have and they all exhibit the same issue when I try to make a rule for them. Is this how to file a support request ticket?

Did you first use a different driver with this device?

In any case, it sounds like this problem (and fix):

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I think there are two problems going on:

  1. If the modes are not in quotes (as you showed) it causes a problem and if its missing a mode
  2. Rule Machine isn't allowing creating a rule with more than one thermostat at a time.

If I pick one of the thermostats in the list, it works.

First Time - Select one Thermostat

Pick More Than One - This Example I Picked All Three
Error: No signature of method: basicRule10.parseJson() is applicable for argument types: (java.util.ArrayList) values: [[["off","heat","cool","emergency heat","auto"], ["off","heat","cool","emergency heat","auto"]]]

Please advise.

I think there is only one problem, and it's the same as above. I just tried selecting multiple thermostats in a new Rule 5.1 rule, and it worked. I suspect you are noticing it when selecting multiple only because one of them has the same problem as above. [EDIT: Nevermind, there is a second issue with Basic Rule per the below.]

If you aren't sure, please provide the "Current States" section from the device detail page for each thermostat. From your error, I suspect one has a list of lists or something instead of just a list.

Here's a copy of each of the thermostats:

Bedroom:  supportedThermostatModes : ["off","heat","cool","emergency heat","auto"]
Hall   :  supportedThermostatModes : ["off","heat","cool","emergency heat","auto"]
Living :  supportedThermostatModes : ["off","heat","cool","emergency heat","auto"]

I deleted all of the devices and recreated a new one for one of them. I picked the built in Honeywell T6 driver from the device list and then pressed include. After finding the thermostat, I chose Use Security.

It shows this as the setup when I clicked the device, which doesn't have quotes on any of the Modes:


Here's the device log:

Here's the Driver Info:

Shouldn't there be quotes on all the modes? Isn't this the built in Hubitat driver?

As expected, the Basic Rule I created from scratch and set to use this thermostat failed.

  • I fixed the incorrect Modes by using the VIrtual Device driver and added quotes and set it back to the Honeywell driver.
  • Basic Rule now worked.
  • I added the second therm, which had no quotes on Mode.
  • Fixed it as well.
  • Went into Basic Rule.
    -- Selecting second thermostat only: worked
    -- Selecting first thermostat only: worked
    -- Selecting both: Broke again

I'm trying to be as detailed as possible to help. Any new thoughts?

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I can't tell from here, but you can: does it appear under the "System Drivers" or "User Drivers" section of the "Type" dropdown?

The lack of quotes so appear to at least be one problem. I did my test with RM and would have to retry with Basics Rule if that's what you're seeing.

Its under the System Drivers


I did use Basic Rules.

If I exported the Rule to a .json file would that help?

I'm not able to replicate this, though I do not have actual T6 thermostat to test. Are you on platform version 2.3.9?

I will ask the developer about this, as I am able to replicate this behavior as you describe (the description was helpful!).

There is a bug in Basic Rule. The problem has been identified and fixed, coming in a release soon.


Thats good news!

Will the Honeywell driver get fixed too, so that it properly puts quotes on the fan and thermostat Modes?

Wasn’t the built in Honeywell T6 driver deprecated? It was my understanding that one is supposed to use the generic z-wave thermostat driver or the Advanced Honeywell T6 Pro driver with these thermostats.

Do you have a reference for this?

Here’s one post stating the Advanced driver works best:

I’m pretty sure I read/saw it mentioned elsewhere too. I just can’t find where at the moment. The T6 Pro, if I recall correctly, pairs with the Generic Z-wave Thermostat driver. Most, including myself, find that works for them without issue. Many also prefer the Advanced driver that can be found on HPM. I don’t recall anyone mentioning they use the built-in T6 driver.

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I updated the Hubitat firmware and can confirm Basic Rule is now working correctly with multiple thermostats. :slight_smile: Thanks for fixing!

When adding the thermostat with the built in driver it still incorrectly does not put quotes on the modes. Rebooting the hub will fix it. If the configure button is pressed, it will revert back to unquoted.