Hubitat for AUS/NZ Chat

Thanks. I've got it working now. A bit of reading the manual (Commands - Tasmota), and testing. I should have done so before asking. In case someone's trying to figure this out, here are three options that you could choose from:

1. Turn the white status LED off permanently : Change the GPIO that is set as LedLink -> None.

2. Stop the blinking and have the status LED to be on IF the wifi is connected : Turn off MQTT

The reason why it was blinking was because MQTT was enabled, but couldn't connect. I was following the instructions that got me to enable hubitat, but didn't state that I should disable MQTT.

3. Stop the blinking and have the status LED to be on IF the wifi is disconnected : Change the GPIO set as LedLink -> LedLinki. LedLinki means inverted. So it stays off unless there are wifi problems.


Jb hifi gave me the multi sensors for 25 dollars each = bargain. Bought all of what they had.

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I actually got 4 from JB yesterday. $29 each price matched RACV with no questions.

Just want to let everyone know that I just installed one of Kevin's 3A SmartHome's Zigbee PIR motion sensors. It paired immediately. I'm using it to turn on & off the light in the laundry toilet.
I originally was going to buy a SmartThings one, however they are out of stock, then found Kevin had one.


Apparently the in wall Zigbee’s are now on route with an ETA of the 22/5.


I wouldn't get your hopes up.

I have been waiting on a couple of replacement parts for my roborock for 2 months. Alibaba shipping is even worse then normal at the moment

Another nice little project that I thought i'd show to others. This is a Wemos D1 mini running Tasmota with a BMP280 temp sensor on board. I 3d printed the case too. links if interested are here, here and here.


Dunno what to say man, my DHL package from Alibaba arrived this morning. That's well earlier than the supplied ETA, so I'm stoked. :slight_smile:
This is the Zigbee In-Wall switch and it comes with a little plastic mounting bracket.
@bdydrp and @mattias, as you guys were interested, I threw a power cord on a unit and went to pair it up straight away.
Plugged it in, a couple of seconds later it starts beeping and gets detected in HE as "device".
This is the reported finger print; @mike.maxwell
MS-104Z Zigbee in-wall switch
ID: 9F2C
Manufacturer: _TYZB01_iuepbmpv
Product Name:
Model Number: TS0121
deviceTypeId: 14
manufacturer : _TYZB01_iuepbmpv
idAsInt : 1
inClusters : 0000,0003,0004,0005,0006,0702,0B04
endpointId : 01
profileId : 0104
application : 43
outClusters : 0019
initialized : true
model : TS0121
stage : 4

I selected the "Generic Zigbee Switch" device from the inbuilt driver list and away she went. Very sweet !
I then wired in a standard switch mech and it functions OK in so much as it toggles the 'state' each time the physical switch position is changed.
If the physical mech switch is in our typical ON position but the In-Wall is OFF, flipping the mech switch to OFF will change the IN-Wall to ON.
The included "instructions" mention a "Manual Override" function which I've yet to understand or explore as it requires installing the Tuya "Smart Life" App which I can't be bothered with. :slight_smile:


That's annoying!
Need an option in the generic driver to choose between toggle (on/off) /momentary

Meanwhile my watch continues left on the 4th April

That's good news. You don't happen to know if it's got any AU/NZ certifications, do you? I'm looking at getting these to replace the Aeotec Nano switches I've got to get rid of Z-wave completely, but I'd rather use certified devices for in-wall applications.

I also want to use them to increase the number of Zigbee repeaters in the mesh. Having said that, I've just assumed that they will be repeaters. Can you tell from yours if they are repeating or not?

I see they are only CE certified which means squat here in NZ. However, I've found that the NZ/China free trade agreement is recognising Chinese electrical certification in NZ as well. I'll ask the manufacturer to see what certification they have other than CE (and FCC and RoHS).

That seller is too funny. I have asked them if they have any electrical certs that are recognised in NZ and they keep telling me it's got the CE cert and ISO 9001. I sent this quote from the NZ worksafe site "And, as with most Electrical and Electronic products sold in New Zealand, the CE marking has no recognised validity." and then they bring up you @njanda as an example of a happy customer in AU (where it obviously must be legal as they bought 4 of them!). I replied that I don't know what the AU regulations are but in NZ they are not recognised. They even sent me this screenshot:

Is privacy high on their list?


Privacy? Here in China? Are you kidding? If you want privacy at the doctors' office someone has to hold the door shut to keep people out...


Good to know. Looks like I may inadvertently be endorsing their product if I were to buy a device or two off them. They'll use their sell to me to push it to other Kiwis :flushed:

Bloody hell. They must be happy to have moved a few units. Lol.
Certs and regulations are the same for Aus and NZ and no these do not have RCM :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

If anyone in Brisbane is interested in buying any Aqara Window Door Sensors, let me know. I had a special come through from GearBest this morning but when looking at the cost with shipping and GST added, it wasn't looking as attractive. As an experiment, I upped the order to 10, and the shipping amount actually went down a couple of bucks. I then upped it to 20, and the shipping remained the same. The end result is I bought extra specifically to share here on the community.
$18 each (what it cost me) if anyone is after any.

The one I’m testing with appears in the Neighbor Table Entry - [MS-104Z, 9F2C], LQI:223, age:3, inCost:5, outCost:7

But as yet nothing has changed to route through it but that was to be expected due to my mesh. I’ll be keeping an eye on that routing table as I move one of the units out to an outside area.

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Anyone have any luck with garage door opener apart from aeotec one? I have that is it's crap, it's always a 50/50 if will open or not. Preferably ZigBee as never had any luck with zwave devices.

On a whim, I changed the driver I was using from "Generic Zigbee Switch" to the "Ikea Tradfri Control Outlet" to see if perhaps it would also display some additional routing data. And it did..

dev:22482020-05-14 01:09:22.149 pm traceDevice:Office Light Repeater #1, Type:Router, RxOnWhenIdle:True, Relationship:Parent, Permit Joining:Unknown, LQI:217

dev:22482020-05-14 01:09:22.109 pm traceDevice:Natural Gas Sensor, Type:Router, RxOnWhenIdle:True, Relationship:Sibling, Permit Joining:Unknown, LQI:82

dev:22482020-05-14 01:09:22.083 pm traceDevice:This Hub, Type:Coordinator, Relationship:Sibling, LQI:54

AND the Ikea driver works the In-wall switch perfectly :slight_smile: