Hubitat failures nightly after 3am

The last week or so I have gone to bed with everything working and woken up to my Hubitat unresponsive. I’ve tried the diagnostic interface multiple times but it’s down too. The only thing I can do is cycle the power and everything comes back, only to repeat the next day.

Is there any system logs I can enable to try to identify what is failing? The only logs I see for system show me the time I reboot it in the morning, not the failure time or details.


Do you have cloud backup?

@user5583 Do a soft reset and restore and see if that helps.

Please read this post linked below and provide more information
There is a bunch of questions in that post to answer.

One other question not asked in there, is do you have Hub Protect with automatic cloud backup enabled, and how often.


I don’t have Cloud Protect. I’ll try a soft reset.

Can I encourage you to do what @jtp10181 suggested in his response that is earlier in this thread? There are insufficient details to troubleshoot this issue.

Couple questions to get you started:

  1. How is your hub connected to the network?
  2. What’s the hub’s LED color when it’s frozen?
  3. Any new LAN devices added recently to the same network segment as the hub?

That will not hurt, but is pretty much a stab in the dark without the details requested in @jtp10181’s response.

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