Hubitat Elevation works out of EUA

I live in the USA (VA), but maybe by the end of the year I will live in Brazil and probably would like to take my devices and automation controller. I have many friends in Brazil who use Vera Plus and not the Z-wave frequency set for Brazil, since they are always in the USA and buy the products here to maintain compatibility. Considering the characteristic of executing the local process and not depend on the cloud, I would like to use Hubitat Elevation as the brain of my system, but in the future I would have to take it to Brazil. Would it work normally or is there any restriction on localization setting?
I would appreciate it if you could help. Thank you. Giovanni

I cannot really comment on whether it would work OK but I see no reason why it wouldn't.
My only question is this, is the Z-Wave frequency the same in the US and Brazil.
If its not then you may be breaking local laws using a US hub in Brazil.
I know it is illegal to use the US Z-Wave frequency in the UK.

It would work normally, and you should be able to set your latitude/longitude to get correct sunrise/sunset times.

Hello, thank you for your return. I'm more relaxed about being able to go with Hubitat!
Thank you!

Hello, your concern is correct, but I do not know if it really would be a case of illegality in Brazil. For example, if you buy Z-Wave (US) products through Amazon or Chinese sites these are usually delivered in Brazil, but if you buy "TV Box" these are returned by the inspection, in addition my friends commented that Hub Vera (Z-Wave(US)) is usually sold on Brazilian websites.