Hubitat Dashboard Not Updating Correctly

My Hubitat C7 is on version and none of my dashboards update when I make a change, add a tile, or edit a tile. If I add the date and time tile, for example, I have to refresh my web browser to see it. This is true for all tiles and I tried multiple web browsers and operating systems with no change. The Hubitat dashboard just doesn't update to reflect changes like it used to and I have to refresh the browser for changes to take effect.


You can also press the green check mark.

I complained about this once and was told it was always like this.

From my experience, in the last 4 years, it's never been like this. This is a recent bug.


And dragging and dropping tiles results in a long blank as it "refreshes" but doesn't actually refresh where the tile is. Dashboard editing is frustratingly broken at the moment.

And the dashboard grid doesnt line up with the tile placement...

I have been troubleshooting these issues and now have it fixed where dragging and dropping works perfectly, there are no double-blinking when I click on a tile to move it, the tiles lines up with the grid, etc.

My fix was to create a new dashboard and add all the tiles again. Somehow, my old dashboard got FUBARed.

@velvetfoot This works for me so maybe it will work for you as well.


Thanks very much.

Bad thing for me is that I have EVERYTHING on one dashboard, with tiny tiles.
Tried cloning...didn't work.
Lot of work to recreate from scratch.
Maybe I can copy settings.
Will experiment.

Thanks again!

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I've been looking at this in my crude way.

IThere's stuff in the Layout Json (dashboard/advanced/layout) file that doesn't get cleaned up, or whatever that makes it act that way.

I found a bunch of old crap in there. It doesn't get cleaned up.

When I created a new dashboard of every device, worked fine as far as dragging, etc.
When I replaced it's layout with the layout of my "production" dashboard-boom-had to double click, to drag, etc, etc.

Ever wonder why you couldn't drag a tile to a certain location?
It was noted as already occupied by some old tile that you deleted ages ago still in the layout.

Not sure if it's worth me trying to edit, just for this.
Maybe, just to see what does it.
Key: Don't screw up the 'good' one, lol.

They'll never fix it.

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Got it working!
I kept on going through the layout file of a test dashboard in a simple text editor, deleted stuff that seemed extraneous, pasted it back, and tried it out.

There were phantom tiles, as I said.

The last couple were globalVar, but it maybe that I just got rid of all the phantoms, who knows.

edit: I think it paid off getting rid of those old globalVar references as well.


Anyway, @craigminah , works great now.
Just as I, rightfully, remembered.
Thanks again for turning me onto this.

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Glad it helped. I also have one dashboard so I'll keep your fix in mind for future issues. Thanks for your help.

:+1: , LOL.

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I just thought I'd chime in again...

What a pleasure it is to add/delete tiles and move them around without hitting the green check mark every time. Can even drag a tile past the existing visible screen.

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Now your just showing off.... :slight_smile:

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