Hubitat Changing Kasa Plug IP address

Hubitat can not change an IP address for a Kasa device within the LAN environment. It will change the internal IP address if it detects a change while polling (based on the hubitat-unique DNI).

Try rebooting the plug using the Hubitat device page interface. Also,

What is the IP address within you router (actual, not reserved)? Within the Kasa phone app? Within Hubitat?

One other item. Have you ever changed the IP address using the preferences on the device's page? If that does not match the IP address within your router, then it will update the IP address to the incorrect one. (Therefore the caution note). Make sure that value matches the value in your router.


Your Kasa plug IP address should be set by your router using its DNS function. Just like you should establish as permanent IP address reservation on your router for the Hubitat hub, you should also establish as similar reservation for every device that is part of your home automation setup. That can include such things as a Hue or Lutron bridges, WiFi controlled light bulbs, WiFi switches, etc. By establishing an IP address reservation you will insure that the router always assigns the same address to the device each time the router or the device reboots.


Its changed again today on the hubitat device info , its, on the router it has not changed its I have to change it manually on the Hubitat settings before it will work

It sounds like you have a DNS configuration set incorrectly somewhere in the system. The router DHCP should be assigning all IP addresses on your LAN.

One thing you might try is changing the router IP address reservation to the IP address currently shown on the Kasa device. That might get them in sync.

I used to have a couple of Kasa switches several years ago, but I have not used them in quite some time. If you are using a Kasa app, be sure that it is not trying to set the IP address.

Hi the IP address on the router is and always was the same as the kasa plug IP, this never changes., and this was working for approx 8 weeks. the only IP address that changes is on the device settings on Hubitat. This IP is reserved on the router. It should be, its showing on Hubitat today as therefore not working.

The only thing that can cause this is the Preference setting for the device not matching the actual IP address.

Thats the problem, I change it back again in the preferances to the corect IP , it lasts a couple of hours then it goes back to the

Possibly (probably) something is amiss with the discovery of the device via the Hubitat application. Some more data will be helpful in confirming this. Assuming you are using the built-in App, let us try some of the tools in the Hubitat Integration App:

When the device is NOT working via Hubitat, open the app and select Kasa Integration Tools. (Do not do anything else in the app unless listed below.)

  • Select "list devices by IP address"
    • Results for your will look something like : [PASSED, -53, Bed Fan, null, Yes]
    • For the problem devices, what are the results for your device; including IP Address?? If it does not appear, that is a result in and of itself.
  • Select "Next at the screen bottom.
  • Select "IP Comms Ping Test Tool"
    • In the "IP Address of non-Kasa LAN device (other Hub?), enter the IP address for the device from you LAN (
    • In the "Kasa devices to ping" field, select the device. (If the device is not on the list, note this and run the test anyway.)
    • results may look something like (example, my Camera is not plugged in):
**Router**: [ip:, min:139.804, max:140.187, success:100] 
**nonKasaDevice**: [ip:, min:1.724, max:3.452, success:100] 
**Camera**: [ip:, min:0.0, max:0.0, success:0]
  • What are the your results?
  • For the Hub and Device, LAN settings,
    • IP Address for each
    • Are the LAN SSID's the same? : [Failed, n/a, Electric Fire, null, Yes] Ping Testing Result

Expectations: a. All devices have similar ping results. b. All pings are less than 1000 ms. c. Success is 100. If not, test again to verify bad results. All times are in ms. Success is percent of 5 total tests.

Electric Fire: [ip:, min:0.0, max:0.0, success:0]

Also I have 2 kasai integrations one is labelled is integration personnel. If that matters ?

HUb is, and kasa fixed IP on router is

Yes it does. You should only have a single Kasa Integration app running at the same time on any single hub. Otherwise, you can cause all sorts of issues.

Electric Fire ( This is the bogus IP address, correct?

I assume the ping worked for the correct IP address. True?

Probable issue: The App does not discover the IP address for your device (I know, duh!). Cause can be many - but it is a pain any way. One cause is that some of the Kasa devices (on some LANs) go to a deep sleep. The first UDP message generates no response from the device (I saw this with a ping of my Kasa KL135 this AM). Therefore, when polling for device IP updates, there is none and an old address is used to update the device (OUCH).


  • Get your system to a single Kasa App per hub.
  • Remove the device with the Bogus IP Address using the "Remove Device" on the Device's edit page (bottom of page).
  • Reinstall, using this sequence:
    • On the Kasa Phone App, make sure all device firmware are up to date (TP-Link made a series of stability/lan updates this past December).
    • Using the Kasa Phone App, turn the device on and verify on.
    • Open the Hubitat Kasa Application and run Find Devices.
      • if the device is on the list, install it.
      • If the device is NOT on the list, back out to the first page of the App and rerun Find Devices. (This usually correct the device asleep issue).
        • If device is now on the list,, install the device and see if the issue occurs again.
        • If not on the list, there may be other issues that can cause issues (Signal strength at device or Hubitat (if not on ethernet cable), signal interface from other SSID's or ZIGBEE devices).

Sorry you are having the issues. (Note: I am trying to figure out an automated process to determine what the issue is and either correct or guide the user to correct the issue.)

Good or bad, contact me.

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Firstly thank you very much for your help in this, tried everything you said when I re added the problem device it found and installed it, but with the wrong IP again instead of 0.72 as it should be, plug works great on Kasa, Tapo and Alexa It worked on Hubitat when I changed the IP back to Very frustrating

It is still not detecting the Wifi signal during discovery. The code will be modified to not reset an old IP address in the database (not really a hard modificaion; however, I have to evaluate other consequences of this change).

Your interim solution. The app has a alternate installation interface that allows for a manual installation or enabling the Kasa Cloud interface to Hubitat. I think the simplest solution for now is to enable the Kasa Cloud interface to Hubitat and then modify you problem device to use that interface (it will not impact other devices).

Writing these instructions as I convert one of my devices to Cloud, the steps are below.

  • Disable two factor authentication for the Kasa Cloud (if you enabled it) using the Kasa Phone App.
  • Open Hubitat Kasa App, select "Problems with install" (page will update), then select " Get device data from Kasa Cloud".
    • Select "Kasa Login and Token Update", then enter Kasa e-mail and password.
    • Select "Get or Update Kasa Token:". This will obtain an initial token and then schedule a token update on a periodic basis (every day). (Press enter after the password) Verify that the "Current Kasa Token" value is populated.
    • Select "Exit without updating", (DO NOT ADD DEVICES it will not help here).
    • Close the Hubitat Kasa App and go to the problem Device's edit page.
  • Open a separate log window.
  • Devices Edit Page - Preferences.
    • Select "Kasa Cloud Binding" to true and "Use Kasa Cloud for device control" to true.
    • Select "enable Descript Text Logging" and "Enable Debug Logging".
    • Save Preferences
    • In the Current States for the device, observe that the value "connection" is "CLOUD"
    • Test the device on/off.

PS - This worked for me. If it does not work for you, Private Message me your logs from the Save Preferences only. Redact te username and password from the first command (bottom of log page).
Below is my page after completing the above.

Done all that correctly I think, no difference, don't know how to pm you can't see your message details BTW I am a senior with limited knowledge on networking etc. can post log here if you want, cant see any personal details on it.

In the last message he sent you above, click on his avatar (picture) and then click on the green Message button that appears in the pop-up:

Thanks clicked green + button nothing happened

You need to click his actual avatar (picture) that appears next to his messages. The image you clicked on in my message was a screen shot of the pop-up that will appear when you click on his image.

Sroll up a little to djgutheinz's last message to you (the one that starts "It is still not detecting the Wifi signal..." and click on the image next to his name. Then you'll get the pop-up w/the green Message button you can click on to send him a private message.

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Having issue also here to add a Kasa dimmer switch...
Sometimes the integration app see it, some other time it doesn't...
But everytime I try to add it (either with Scan Lan or Get device from Kasa Cloud) it fails...
I can ping the switch without problem, I get the IP address from the Kasa App, but I can't seem to be able to add it.

Also one strange thing I've found... I have others Kasa dimmer Switch, but this is the first one it sees has a "KasaSmart_plug_dimmer" and not a Dimming Switch.... (But they all are the same KS220 dimmer switch)

TP-Link (Kasa) has decided in their wisdom to change the API for their devices. different hardware versions of the same devices use different APIs. The community Kasa integration you used detects this but will never support this API since it is deprecated.

Try using the community Tapo Integration (for this device) - designed to handle the new api,
