Hubitat can't maintain a wifi connection, warranty support refuses to respond

I bought a Hubitat C-8 in late November 2023, and over the following month I noticed an issue that kept getting worse and worse. My Hubitat will not stay connected to WiFi (tried multiple locations, routers, etc...), at first it was a couple weeks between events where it'd drop its connection and I had to power cycle the unit for it to reconnect. However, by early January I was having to do this daily.

So, I reached out to Hubitat support. On January 16th I got a single response saying the issue had "been referred to our engineering team". Since then I have receive no updates, no responses of any kind, despite replying to that initial response multiple times.

Hubitat's warranty only lasts 90 days, my unit was purchased November 25th and I first reached out for this on January 14th - 50 days from the time of purchase and well within the warranty period. Hubitat seems set on not honoring their advertised warranty and so I'm turning to the community for 1) ideas and 2) to let people know that Hubitat does not stand by its warranty and will completely ignore you when making a claim.

This is totally false.

This may be true in your case, but not the normal.

How did you reach out? Via email or using the warranty claim form?

The support email was taken down off the site a while ago and is no longer being used, but people still seem to find it places and email it.

I would assume one of your tests has already done this, but was the hub connected to a dedicated 2.4Ghz only SSID and not a multiband SSID? Also, did you confirm that any smart steering or roaming assistance was disabled?

Not saying that the hub would only work in those conditions, but those are things that could disconnect it, so it would be worth eliminating those variables.

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This is totally false.

Evidently not.

How did you reach out? Via email or using the warranty claim form?

Warranty claim form.

I would assume one of your tests has already done this, but was the hub connected to a dedicated 2.4Ghz only SSID and not a multiband SSID? Also, did you confirm that any smart steering or roaming assistance was disabled?

Correct on all fronts.

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What the message you received said, is that at the time you submitted the claim, the issue was likely related to a software problem, which a replacement hub wouldn't resolve. We have released an update that should have resolved the Wi-Fi connectivity. If you are still having problems, please create a new case.

In situations like yours, the date of your original case is used to determine the warranty coverage, so I wouldn't worry even if you were to be passed the 90 days today.


What the message you received said, is that at the time you submitted the claim, the issue was likely related to a software problem, which a replacement hub wouldn't resolve.

No, it actually didn't.

If you are still having problems, please create a new case.

It seems to be poor customer service to not at a minimum provide the details of what is being worked on, and wait for confirmation that it is indeed fixed before closing cases without even notifying the customer that a case is being closed.