Hubitat c8 upgrade

Hello Community I have upgraded from the Hubitat c5 to c8. After performing a backup/restore to the c8, I can see all my devices. The problem is I cannot control any of my devices using Dashboard.
Can anyone help? Thanks Clive

If you did only a backup & restore then that is the expected result.

The correct migration path is to create a Migration Cloud Backup for C8, power down the C-5, and then restore the migration backup to the C-8. This will copy the Z-radio data from the C-5 to the C-8.

Hello csteele, I did create a cloud backup in c5 then powered down the c5. I then powered up the c8 and did the restore from the c5 cloud file to my c8. All devices are shown but not controllable.

is there a difference between a cloud backup and a Migration cloud backup?

YES there is a difference. One (the migration version) includes the Radio's DB, while the regular backup does not.

The regular backup is used during Soft Reset when the Radios are already populated with devices.

As a Developer, I use regular backups and restores to switch between testing scenarios. I might restore a backup from a time when a hub had never had an App (or driver) installed.. in other words I can test out a truly fresh install. Another backup I keep is of an older version of an App.. two or three version back so I can verify that an upgrade, leaping across several versions works too.

While my use of backups is going to be obscure, it points out the need to not touch the underlying ZWave and Zigbee radio DB.

To Migrate, you need to use the Migration version of backup, which is cloud based, automatically.

For people with a C-4, whichhas unreadable Z-Radios, there's no value in the Migration backup. It would be the same as a regular backup. :slight_smile:

But a cloud backup, if you have Hub Protect, is the same as a migration backup.

Are your devices listed in the Zigbee / Z-Wave details pages as well? Or only the Hubs device list?

If they are missing from the details pages then the radio data was not restored and the devices will not work. Are these Zigbee, Z-Wave or a both, that you are having issues with?

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Currently I am only using z-wave devices and yes I do subscribe to Hub Protect. So if I used the backup from the Hub Protect cloud, I should have the Radio's DB installed. Is this correct?

Yes, if you selected to restore those during the restore.
All you have to do is check the Settings > Z-Wave details page and it will either have all your devices or be blank. Same with Zigbee.

Also I see you are coming from a C5. Did you see the globally pinned post that there is a known issue with the C5 migration? You have to revert back to 2.3.5 firmware for the backup to work correctly. Or join the Beta.

How to revert firmware:

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did not read that post before updating. I probably will have to delete and reinstall all my zwave devices.

No you wont....
If you did not factory reset your C5 yet, just power off the C8. Power up the C5 and it should keep working as before. Get a proper backup on the C5, then do the migration again. A few people attempted it multiple times before the trick was found to revert the firmware. You can even just sit and wait for 2.3.7 firmware to come out if you want.

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Ok I will try that. I have transferred my Hub Protect to my c8 will this affect me being able to get the previous firmware?

No that wont matter, you can do the firmware downgrade with any hub. Since the C5 does not have Hub Protect anymore you will need to make a special "Migration" backup, which is just a free cloud backup that can be used to migrate to the C8. The migration backups is all covered in these docs: How to Migrate to a New Hub | Hubitat Documentation


Hello jtp10181, Thanks very much all devices is functioning normally. Is it OK to go ahead and update the Firmware now. Thanks again.

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Yes you can update the C8 to the latest version.
I would keep the C5 powered off for a little bit before you go resetting it, to make sure there are not further issues with the new hub.


Hello jtp10181, I notice an issue with my motion sensors. The sensors will activate lights to On but will not turn Off lights after the time duration period. Should I delete and create a new motion lighting?

You may just be having some issues while the z-wave mesh rebuilds on the new hub, I would give it a couple of days to see if things get better.

Also, turn on all the logging for the app and motion sensor in question. Then you can post screenshots of the logs the next time it acts up. That might show where the issue is exactly.

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