Hubitat C8 connectivity problems, browser /ethernet and wifi

Hi there. I am having a weird event when trying to log in to the C8 hub from a browser. The C8 is operating with WIFI and physically connected to ethernet and both have their own DHCP reservation on the network.

If I recall, this started to happen about two updates ago and has been a little bit of a pain in the butt. after the last update, I plugged the ethernet back in and it started to happen again.

This issue is far beyond my pay grade. If any of you have any ideas or suggestions, I would appreciate your imput.


Another weird thing is I am able to connect to the hub remotely using the subscription and the app on android when I am unable to locally on the office computer.

I believe it has been stated here that you should not have both Wi-Fi and Ethernet connections to the hub at the same time. If you have ethernet available, you should probably disable Wi-Fi and only use Ethernet...

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Ok. I will give that a shot. I wanted a redundant system incase Spectrum (fiber) went out and Century (dsl) could stay online. I do the same for the security systems, network and external door access system.


Works great. Thanks @danabw

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