Hubitat C8 and Schlage BE469 lock


I'm contemplating to purchase the Hubitat C8 hub to replace a Universal Devices ISY-994i. I've ran the ISY-994i for some time, but I've had enough with its unreliability.

I searched the documentation for support of the smart lock that I have, which is the Schlage BE469. The documentation only references supporting it on release 2.2.9, but the device compatibility page doesn't list this lock.

Does anyone know if the Hubitat C8 supports this lock? I'd rather not wing it in hopes it works, but I'm frustrated with the hub I currently use and I feel it's time to move on.

Thanks in advance.

BE469ZP? There are multiple models. The older ones are more problematic.

Many of us have these locks and they work no problem for me (I have 2 of the ZP model).

Correct. I have the B469ZP from Home Depot.

Good to know. I hope the hub finds it.

Thank you!

Yes, many here do have the Schlage B469ZP lock. I have 2 as well. Initially, I struggled with them and Hubitat. But that was in my early Hubitat days. Mine do work as expected. Would I purchase them again to add to my HE system? No.

So I know you specifically stated C8 and the BE469, but I had a few thoughts I wanted to share about the lock specifically. I have the BE469 lock with the "Schlage BE468/BE469 driver and haven't had any issues since migrating from Wink (yea I'm OG) lol.. With that said, I haven't had the financal ability nor time yet to upgrade from my rock solid C5 but when it comes to using the lock be it from a dashboard, or rule, I haven't had any HE based issues with it.

With that said, I did read this reply:

and even as old as the tech is in it, the lock has been mechanically perfect. Though, I would have to say I would also "NOT" buy this lock again as mention in this reply. This has nothing to do with HE or it's drivers/integration, it more has to do with the generation of the z-wave module, the firmware of the lock, and power utilization of the lock. It is very battery hungry (old z-wave module i think is the culprit) and the way I've gotten around swapping traditional AA batteries every other month is to use Rechargable Lithium AA's. These do last about 4-6 months (depending on usage and ambient temperature) and all I do is recharge them. Outside of that it's been fine. So why wouldn't I buy the same one if this one were to just die today you ask?? Well, there are new locks by Schlage that have the newer generation z-wave module and I would hope they would improve ther electrical/mechanical design from previous generations. Anyways, just food for thought.


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My journey with smart locks began three years ago with the Yale YRD226 and the ISY-994i. Just has the current Schlage lock I'm using, it paired without issue and worked well at first. But then over time the lock would suddenly drop off the hub and I couldn't query or operate it at all via the app.

I researched the issue and I found it was common for this particular lock to stop working, so I opted for the Schlage.

Fast forward to today, I'm having same exact behavior as the Yale lock.

The lock and hub are only ten feet apart, so it can't be signal issue. But in my building I count at least 15 available wifi networks from my laptop. The signal bands should be entirely different, but it's been food for thought for me.

So would it be prudent to try out the C5 or C7 first? The external antennas on the C8 is the only reason I felt it would be better choice. Otherwise, Z-wave function is the same on all three.

I also have a YRD226 (Assure SL) with the ZW2 module and that also works great, never had any issues with it.

I am using a C8, I would go right for the C8 as the z-wave performance on it is much better than a C7 due to the antenna.

One key to reliable Z-wave performance is a solid mesh. Do you have other z-wave devices or only the locks?

I also have two door ajar sensors. These never drop off the hub. One of the sensors is on the same door as the smart lock.

Those are probably battery powered sensors, so not helping the "mesh" at all, they do no act as repeaters.

If you do keep having problems with the locks on Hubitat, you may just need to add a repeater to the z-wave mesh. This can be done with light switches, plugs, or dedicated plug in repeaters.

One way or another I think you can get either of those locks working well on Hubitat.

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Odd, I have a be469 with ZWave module that had the last known firmware. My c7 hub that I use for ZWave devices only has the antenna mod and sits less than 10 feet from both of these locks (yes I have two doors). Both work perfectly and my batteries last a year without issue, and the front door is used a lot more than the door into the garage. If I had to upgrade Iā€™d likely go with their latest version which I know is zigbee.

The Schlage Z-wave locks work well with Hubitat IF you can get them to pair. If your lock is a good distance from the Hubitat, you might have to move the Hubitat closer to the lock to complete pairing. As an alternative, you can remove the lock from the door, bring it a few feet away from the Hubitat to complete the pairing process and then reinstall the lock. That is what I did. It is not all that difficult to do. The lock uses S2 Access Control security which is a little more difficult to pair than other devices, most of which do not even require security.

I used SmartStart with mine, the QR code should be on the steel backer plate, and I think its on the manual as well. Just scan the code and put in the batteries, pairs by itself. But yes, another good point, be sure you select to use security when asked if you pair manually, otherwise it will fail to pair (but does not tell you why it fails).

Or, you can remove the hinge bolts and take the door to the hub. Much easier.


Just remember to pair it within 2 feet of the hub due to the whisper encryption key exchange

I don't think the BE469ZP has the whisper mode pairing. I paired mine from my office, about 30ft from the hub.

Is the zp the zigbee version


The zigbee version is the BE468GBAK.

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ZP is the current (AFAIK) Z-wave model that supports S2.
The older Z-wave model was an NX I think.

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Depending on the firmware and reseller:


Can you still get those modules? A quick search did not reveal any for sale.