Hubitat and Nexia NX1000

I'm glad to see its working for you AC! Did you load the DH I updated last night?

Yeah, it does look a bit weird with the descenders in the line instead of below the line.

The NX1000 slowly goes to sleep to conserve battery. It essentially goes to sleep when back light turns off (~ 1 minute). If left alone it will turn off the screen completely after about 5 minutes. Remember, if you send a command to configure it, Hubitat will queue the commands until the NX1000 wakes up (indicated by the screen back light being active). If it isn't critical to update the configuration immediately, it looks like it wakes up on its own about every 70 minutes to see what's going on . If any commands are queued in HE they will be sent then.

Let me know if you have more questions.

Thanks for the additional info … now just need to get one :slight_smile:

There are a couple of other text formatting features I could look at including if they would be of value to you. The screen can display a larger text or highlighted text (light text on a dark field). I would have to think about how to let you choose that line by line.

I suppose I could just use all caps

Not yet Wayne, I was out all morning.

Here's something to think about. Wouldn't it be neat if you could invert the text on devices that are ON? I use all my buttons to TOGGLE devices. Wishful thinking I suppose, but it would be quite nice.
Wayne, I want to make a donation for your efforts. I've never done that before so give me a tip on how to do it. I use Paypal and I am registered at Github.

I did install v 1.3 and it seems to work fine. All CAPS looks okay too.

Managed to get one on eBay for $75 … guess I'll be playing with this next week. :smiley: @wayne.pirtle Thanks for the driver!

You're welcome Tim. Let me know how it works out for you.

Just got mine. Setup was a breeze. Did a quick test to set hub modes. Works quickly. The only thing I noticed was that I originally set up the controller in my office and then went to a different location to program. The button labels were not updating properly, so I had to do a Z wave repair afterwards it was working great.

Wayne P, I dug a bit into your code this week (First time writing a device here) and did a few improvements on a fork, So now have it so you can pick the font per button and also exposed 3 cmds one to scope modifications on each of the panels.

WHATS NEW in 2.0

  • Added in 3 individual commands that now allow setting individual buttons on each panel
  • Driver now supports selecting from 'Small' or 'Large' fonts and this can be done on an individual button
  • Button Text preferences can now be used to indicate to use Large or small font, append :L for large or :S to the text. Default is Large
  • Panel commands can be used directly from the likes of a rule to set update button text based off an action. (Only works if the device is awake, so appears to work after a key press)
  • Label update for a button contains two passes. One to clear it (Passes spaces) and then another with the updated text. Found this might help reduce some of the screen corruption especially when changing from large to small font.
  • Use more intuitive enumeration for the various commands

While you can use the panel commands to change individual buttons and font size as a cautionary note the preferences will not update until you refresh the driver page, but they are getting updated. So if you use configure after setting buttons individually you might blow away your work.

Various screen images below, for sample rule, device output, Command set up and Preferences.

Wayne B.

Hi Wayne B!

That is great news. I had tinkered with that a little bit, but life got in the way. I have a new job AND a new house I am moving into. Hopefully I can get back to some of my favorite projects soon, like adding reverse (light text on a dark field) text on this device.

Wayne P

No probs on that, Wayne P. I have a couple of other items in the works for it as well on the next code drop.

  • Visual notifications of a key press. The device locally acknowledges it but I have found that some times the first press is more of a wake device up verses a key press, so you dont always get the hub firing. So looking to add in response texts to the key presses so you know that it has been clicked, held or released. I am thinking that might be better than the inverse as it does not seem to inverse the whole row just the text. I may also look for a toggle option as well, although the Rules engine can sort of support that today but its a bit clunky.

  • Multi line support for small font will be supported using the \r in a line of text on the next version

  • Extend the characters from 12 to 16 which is the max the device can display. Pretty much good for the multi line. I might need to think on how best to be creative on this one for the larger font, although limited on what the device commands and screens can do in hubitat in terms of restricting etc. May be thats an excuse for me to look into building an App.

If only the device could be remotely woke up this could be a fun display to do some other creative things with. If anyone is aware of another LCD type device I would be happy to tinker with that as well.


Wayne B.

It’s too sleepy for that... I thought about making one using a z-uno and have it mains powered...

Would love for this thing to have a wake-up based on sensing presence in front of the unit such as Wink's Relay or ecobee's thermostat. Such as when you need to run downstairs in the middle of the night but want to disarm HSM first, having something that lights up without having to search for it with your hands on the wall and then having to tap a selection, not knowing if it actually triggered an event or just woke-up would be awesome.

And without having to build it out from scratch such as using a spare phone or tablet.

I saw this post and wanted to see if it will work for my system. I have a Trane A/C Wifi thermostat which is connected to the Nexia platform. In the past I used Ifttt as a bridge between Hubitat and Nexia. The bridge would notify Nexia that I either arrived or departed. The notification would change the thermostat temperature through a Nexia website routine. Unfortunately Ifttt went to paid subscription and I'm not paying $30 / yr.

I saw this post for the Nexia NX1000 and thought maybe this would work in place of Ifttt. I'd create two buttons Arrive and depart.

my questions:

  1. Can I use a Habitat routine to trigger a button on the NX1000?
  2. Is anyone using the NX1000 to trigger events on the Nexia platform and do you need their paid subscription service?

Is this operating on the US Zwave frequency? i.e. no good for UK?

I'm in the U.S.

I am experiencing weirdness with my NX1000's first screen. Is there a way to clear/reset it without and have the button config pulled back down without factory resetting and adding it back to the network? My unit has firmware version 012600 but I don't know if there's a newer one or if it's even possible to update it.