Hubitat on Safari not working

So I updated my C7 to I always worry about system updates because they sometimes break things that I worked hard to set up. In this case after updating to safari 14 on Mac OS 10.14 no longer works properly. The dashboards still show correctly but in the management area I get a blank screen where the device and other listings should be. I can see then when I use Chrome or Vivaldi. However those browser have issues with my CCTV so I have stayed with Safari for Hubitat.

Before I revert back to 2.3.5 does anyone else have this issue? Is there something messed up on my system?

Sounds like a similar issue. I can see the left menu, and select items on it, but the main area is blank regardless of what I do. There does not appear to be any content getting through.

In chrome I can see that they have changed this area. A different UI with collapsable lists etc. Probably using something new and fancy that my old browser will not support.

I tried it and it's true, with Safari (Mac) the main pane is blank. However, being the curious type I right-clicked: show page source. It all showed up. Even after closing the source portion. It goes back to blank on each menu selection, so the right click thing isn't a workaround. Zooming in or out also displays the page. But goes back to blank at every opportunity. Command + or Command - seems the fastest way to at least see the page... closer to a workaround anyway. @gopher.ny

This issue is being looked at:

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yea, but that has a "mobile device" lean to it. I'd like him to at least know it's not mobile, but Safari.

Good point. Mine actually works on safari for IOS 16. Its Mac OS where we have an issue.

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I was seeing this issue on both of my iPads. What I observed was the IP address was modified. the last digit went from .152 to .153 for example. to remedy this, I logged out of the app on the iPad, deleted the app, reinstalled the app, logged in and the new IP was recognized. It takes a little time for it to update the mesh (if used). i also noticed it on my Windows system while doing a soft reset. IP indexed and i had to sign out of Hubitat. I closed my browser as well, before opening it up and logging back into Hubitat.

I had to reboot my wifi router afterwards but once it came back up everything is working normally on IOS 17.0.2 with Safari.

Should be fixed in, just released.


Just downloaded and did quick test and does indeed appear to be working. Will test further today but that you so much for the fast response and good resolution!

Great Work!


Yep, fixed for me too. :100:

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