Hubigraph is gone... so now what? no graphs in general?


I had hubigraph and yeah for my and my bad english it was hard to use but i managed to get it working.
But since a few weeks the 'graph' would get stuck on loading 4/4 and never show me anything.
I tried a old, almost forgotten way to fix it... called re-installing.
But now i can't even find the hubigraph app/driver or whatever.
Just ran into post after post that it would have stoped working etc... seems like person/team behind it is gone.

I only find way's ppl collect the data, export it to e Rasberry Pi and use a other programme etc...
i'm not looking for that...
I'm looking for a easier way... maybe even easier then hubigraph or isn't that the whole idea of progress?

I just want to make 2 graphs... 1 for my temps indoor from different sensors and 1 for my energy instead (HomeWizard). I have all the data but nothing to show, i even have a live view of the current energy usage in numbers... but no graph.

Could anybody help me?

What format is your data in? Or are you simply referring to the fact you have history recorded in the devices history kept by the HE hub?

Yes, it's an abandoned project but still works. If you need to get it again, you can install it via hubitat package manager.

1 Like

yes, the history recorded in the device history by HE itself.

The energy usage device also has his own app with own graph but even that i can't get into hubitat dashboard. That's a url... and i need to login etc

I really tried it and the HPM can find it indeed but won't install it... won't even allow me to even click on it.
I just installed a other app so i know it's not a problem with the HPM itself

Did you remove it from APPS code? section first?

If you need it here is the code. Import this into APPS code


name: "Hubigraphs",
namespace: "tchoward",
author: "Thomas Howard",
description: "Hubitat Graph Creator Parent App",
category: "My Apps",
installOnOpen: true,
iconUrl: "",
iconX2Url: "",
iconX3Url: "")

//V 1.0 Ordering, Color and Common API Update
//V 1.8 Smoother sliders, bug fixes
//V 2.0 Support for Time Graphs
//V 2.1 Support for Heatmaps
//V 3.3 Radar Tiles
//V 0.1 Beta - Weather Tiles 2

preferences {
// The parent app preferences are pretty simple: just use the app input for the child app.
page(name: "mainPage", title: "Graph Creator", install: true, uninstall: true, submitOnChange: true)
page(name: "setupOpenWeather", title: "Setup Open Weather", nextPage: "mainPage")
page(name: "setupLongTermStorage", title: "Setup Long Term Storage")

def call(Closure code) {

def getLongTermStorage() {
lts = getChildAppByLabel("Hubigraph Long Term Storage")

def getEvents(Map map){

sensor = map.sensor;
attribute = map.attribute;
then = map.start_time;

respEvents = sensor.statesSince(attribute, then, [max: 2000]).collect{[ date:, value: it.value]}
respEvents = respEvents.flatten();
respEvents = respEvents.reverse();

return respEvents;


def getData(sensor, attribute, lts, time){

return_data = [];

then = time;
if (lts) {
    ltsApp = getChildAppByLabel("Hubigraph Long Term Storage");
    return_data = ltsApp.getFileData(sensor, attribute);
    if (return_data.size()> 0) 
        then = return_data[return_data.size()-1].date;

events = getEvents(sensor: sensor, attribute: attribute, start_time: then);

return_data = (return_data << events).flatten();

return return_data;


def ltsAvailable(sensor, attribute){
lts = getChildAppByLabel("Hubigraph Long Term Storage");

if (lts!=null){
    return lts.isStorage(sensor, attribute);    
else {
    return false;


def mainPage(){

if (latitude && longitude && apikey) {
    childDevice = getChildDevice("OPEN_WEATHER${}");     

     if (!childDevice) {
        device_name="Open Weather Child Device";
        log.debug("Creating Device $device_name");
        childDevice = addChildDevice("tchoward", "OpenWeather Hubigraph Driver", "OPEN_WEATHER${}", null,[completedSetup: true, label: device_name]) "Successfully Created Child"    

    if (childDevice) {
       childDevice.setupDevice(latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude, apiKey: apikey, pollInterval: open_weather_refresh_rate);

dynamicPage(name: "mainPage"){
    section {
        app(name: "hubiStorage",    appName: "Hubigraph Long Term Storage",    namespace: "tchoward", title: "Setup Long Term Storage", multiple: true)
    section {
        app(name: "hubiWidget",    appName: "Hubigraph Bubble Widget",    namespace: "tchoward", title: "Create New Bubble Widget", multiple: true)
        app(name: "hubiBarGraph",  appName: "Hubigraph Bar Graph",     namespace: "tchoward", title: "Create New Bar Graph", multiple: true)
		app(name: "hubiRangeBar",  appName: "Hubigraph Range Bar",     namespace: "tchoward", title: "Create New Range Bar", multiple: true)
        app(name: "hubiGraphTime", appName: "Hubigraph Time Line",     namespace: "tchoward", title: "Create New Time Line", multiple: true)
        app(name: "hubiGauge",     appName: "Hubigraph Gauge",         namespace: "tchoward", title: "Create New Gauge", multiple: true)
        app(name: "hubiTimeGraph", appName: "Hubigraph Time Graph",    namespace: "tchoward", title: "Create New Time Graph", multiple: true)
        app(name: "hubiHeatMap",   appName: "Hubigraph Heat Map",      namespace: "tchoward", title: "Create New Heat Map", multiple: true)
        app(name: "hubiWeather",   appName: "Hubigraph Weather Tile",  namespace: "tchoward", title: "Create New Weather Tile", multiple: true)
        app(name: "hubiForecast",  appName: "Hubigraph Forecast Tile", namespace: "tchoward", title: "Create New Forecast Tile", multiple: true)
        app(name: "hubiWeather2",   appName: "Hubigraph Weather Tile 2",  namespace: "tchoward", title: "Create New Weather Tile 2", multiple: true)
        app(name: "hubiRadar",      appName: "Hubigraph Radar Tile",      namespace: "tchoward", title: "Create New Radar Tile", multiple: true)
    section {
        href name: "setupOpenWeather", title: "Setup Up Open Weather for Weather Tile", description: "", page: "setupOpenWeather"    


def setupOpenWeather(){

 def updateEnum = ['Manual Poll Only','1 Minute','5 Minutes', '10 Minutes', '15 Minutes', '30 Minutes', '1 Hour', '3 Hours'];

def location = getLocation();

dynamicPage(name: "setupOpenWeather"){
        input( type: "enum", name: "open_weather_refresh_rate", title: "<b>Select OpenWeather Update Rate</b>", multiple: false, required: false, options: updateEnum, defaultValue: "5 Minutes");
        input( type: "text", name: "latitude", title:"<b>Latitude (Default = Hub Location)</b>", defaultValue: location.latitude);
        input( type: "text", name: "longitude", title:"<b>Longitude (Default = Hub Location)</b>", defaultValue: location.longitude);
        input( type: "text", name: "apikey", title: "<b>OpenWeather Key</b>", defaultValue:"", submitOnChange: true); 


def getOpenWeatherData(){
childDevice = getChildDevice("OPEN_WEATHER${}");
if (!childDevice){
log.debug("Error: No Child Found");
return null;

def installed() {
log.debug "Installed with settings: ${settings}"

def updated() {
log.debug "Updated with settings: ${settings}"



def initialize() {
// nothing needed here, since the child apps will handle preferences/subscriptions
// this just logs some messages for demo/information purposes
log.debug "there are ${childApps.size()} child smartapps"
childApps.each {child ->
log.debug "child app: ${child.label}"


****************************************** NEW FORM FUNCTIONS********************************************************************


def hubiForm_container(child, containers, numPerRow=1){

if (numPerRow == 0){
        style = """style="margin: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important;"""
        numPerRow = 1
} else { 
        style = "";
            def html_ = 
                    <div class = "mdl-grid" style="margin: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important;"> 
                    html_ += """<div class="mdl-cell mdl-cell--${12/numPerRow}-col-desktop mdl-cell--${8/numPerRow}-col-tablet mdl-cell--${4/numPerRow}-col-phone" ${style}>"""
                    html_ += container;
                    html_ += """</div>"""
            html_ += """</div>"""
            paragraph (html_.replace('\t', '').replace('\n', '').replace('  ', ''));


def hubiForm_subcontainer(Map map, child){{
            def containers = map.objects;
            def breakdown = map.breakdown;
            def html_ = 
                    <div class = "mdl-grid" style="margin: 0; padding: 0; "> 
            count = 0;
                def sz_12 = 12*breakdown[count];
                def sz_8 = 8*breakdown[count];
                def sz_4 = 4*breakdown[count];
                html_ += """<div class="mdl-cell mdl-cell--${sz_12.intValue()}-col-desktop mdl-cell--${sz_8.intValue()}-col-tablet mdl-cell--${sz_4.intValue()}-col-phone" style= "justify-content: center;" >"""
                html_ += container;
                html_ += """</div>"""
            html_ += """</div>"""
            return (html_.replace('\t', '').replace('\n', '').replace('  ', ''));


def hubiForm_table(Map map, child){{
    def header = map.header;
    def rows = map.rows;
    def footer = map.footer;
    def html_ = """
        <table class="mdl-data-table  mdl-shadow--2dp dataTable" role="grid" data-upgraded=",MaterialDataTable">
        html_ += """<th class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric ">${cell}</th>"""
    html+= """</tr></thead><tbody>"""
    count = 0;
        html_ += """<tr role="row" class="odd">""";
            html_ += """<td class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric">${cell}</td>""";
        html_ += """</tr>""";
    } //rows
    html_ += """<tr role="row" class="even">""";
        html_ += """<td class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric">${cell}</td>""";    
    html_ += """</tr>""";
    html_ += """</tbody></table>"""
    return (html_.replace('\t', '').replace('\n', '').replace('  ', ''));


def hubiForm_text(child, text, link=null){{

    def html_ = "";
    if (link != null){
        html_ = """<a href="${link}" target="_blank">${text}</a>""";
    } else {
        html_ = """${text}""";


    return html_


def hubiForm_text_format(Map map, child){{
    def text = map.text;
    def halign = map.horizontal_align ? "text-align: ${map.horizontal_align};" : ""; 
    def valign = map.vertical_align ? "vertical-align: ${map.vertical_align}; " : ""; 
    def size = map.size ? "font-size: ${map.size}px;" : "";
    def html_ = """<p style="$halign padding-top:20px; $size">$text</p>""";

    return html_


def hubiForm_page_button(child, title, page, width, icon=""){
def html_;{
             html_ = """
                    <button type="button" name="_action_href_${page}|${page}|1" class="btn btn-default btn-lg btn-block hrefElem  mdl-button--raised mdl-shadow--2dp mdl-button__icon" style="text-align:left;width:${width}; margin: 0;">
                    <span style="text-align:left;white-space:pre-wrap">
                    <ul class="nav nav-pills pull-right">
                            <li><i class="material-icons">${icon}</i></li>
                    <span class="state-incomplete-text " style="text-align: left; white-space:pre-wrap"></span>
                    """.replace('\t', '').replace('\n', '').replace('  ', '')
    return html_;


def hubiForm_section(child, title, pos, icon="", Closure code) {{
            def id = title.replace(' ', '_').replace('(', '').replace(')','');
            def title_ = title.replace("'", "").replace("`", "");

            def titleHTML = """
                    <div class="mdl-layout__header" style="display: block; background:#033673; margin: 0 -16px; width: calc(100% + 32px); position: relative; z-index: ${pos}; overflow: visible;">          
                    <div class="mdl-layout__header-row">
                            <span class="mdl-layout__title" style="margin-left: -32px; font-size: 18px; width: auto;">
                            <div class="mdl-layout-spacer"></div>
                            <ul class="nav nav-pills pull-right">
                                    <li> <i class="material-icons">${icon}</i></li>
            def modContent = """
            <div id=${id} style="display: none;"></div>
                    var sectionElem = jQuery('#${id}').parent();
                    /*hide default header*/
                    sectionElem.css('display', 'none');
                    sectionElem.css('z-index', ${pos});

                    var elem = sectionElem.parent().parent();
                    elem.addClass('mdl-card mdl-card-wide mdl-shadow--8dp');
                    elem.css('width', '100%');
                    elem.css('padding', '0 16px');
                    elem.css('display', 'block');
                    elem.css('min-height', 0);
                    elem.css('position', 'relative');
                    elem.css('z-index', ${pos});
                    elem.css('overflow', 'visible');
            modContent = modContent.replace('\t', '').replace('\n', '').replace('  ', '');
        section(modContent, code);


def hubiForm_enum(Map map, child){{
         	def title = map.title;
	        def var =;
            def list = map.list;
	        def defaultVal = map.default;
	        def submit_on_change = map.submit_on_change;
            if (settings[var] == null){
                app.updateSetting ("${var}", defaultVal);

            def actualVal = settings[var] != null ? "${settings[var]}" : defaultVal;
            def submitOnChange = submit_on_change ? "submitOnChange" : "";
            def html_ = """    
                <div class="form-group">
                    <input type="hidden" name="${var}.type" value="enum">
                    <input type="hidden" name="${var}.multiple" value="false">

                <div class="mdl-cell mdl-cell--12-col mdl-textfield mdl-js-textfield" style="" data-upgraded=",MaterialTextfield">
                <label for="settings[${var}]" class="control-label">

                    <select id="settings[${var}]" name="settings[${var}]"
                        class="selectpicker form-control mdl-switch__input ${submitOnChange} SumoUnder" placeholder="Click to set" data-default="${defaultVal}" tabindex="-1">
                            <option class="optiondefault" value="" style="display: block;">No selection</option>
                list.each{ item ->
                    if (actualVal == item) 
                        selectedString = /selected="selected"/;
                        selectedString = "";
                    html_ += """<option value="${item}" ${selectedString}>${item}</option>"""
                html_ += """ 
                    <div class="optWrapper">
                        <ul class="options">
                    list.each{ item ->
                        html+= """<li class="opt selected"><label>${item}</label></li>"""
               html_ += """
            return (html_.replace('\t', '').replace('\n', '').replace('  ', ''));


def hubiForm_switch(Map map, child){{
         	def title = map.title;
	        def var =;
	        def defaultVal = map.default;
	        def submit_on_change = map.submit_on_change;
            def actualVal = settings[var] != null ? settings[var] : defaultVal;
            def submitOnChange = submit_on_change ? "submitOnChange" : "";
            def html_ = """      
                            <div class="form-group">
                                    <input type="hidden" name="${var}.type" value="bool">
                                    <input type="hidden" name="${var}.multiple" value="false">
                            <label for="settings[${var}]"
                                    class="mdl-switch mdl-js-switch mdl-js-ripple-effect mdl-js-ripple-effect--ignore-events is-upgraded ${actualVal ? "is-checked" : ""}  
                                    <input name="checkbox[${var}]" id="settings[${var}]" class="mdl-switch__input 
                                            ${actualVal ? "checked" : ""}>                
                                    <div class="mdl-switch__label" >${title}</div>   
                                    <div class="mdl-switch__track"></div>
                                    <div class="mdl-switch__thumb">
                                            <span class="mdl-switch__focus-helper">
                                    <span class="mdl-switch__ripple-container mdl-js-ripple-effect mdl-ripple--center" data-upgraded=",MaterialRipple">
                                            <span class="mdl-ripple">
                            <input name="settings[${var}]" type="hidden" value="${actualVal}">

            return (html_.replace('\t', '').replace('\n', '').replace('  ', ''));


def hubiForm_text_input(child, title, var, defaultVal, submitOnChange){{
     settings[var] = settings[var] != null ? settings[var] : defaultVal;
    def html_ = """
            <div class="form-group">
            <input type="hidden" name="${var}.type" value="text">
            <input type="hidden" name="${var}.multiple" value="false">
            <label for="settings[${var}]" class="control-label">
            <input type="text" name="settings[${var}]" 
                    class="mdl-textfield__input ${submitOnChange ? "submitOnChange" : ""} " 
                    value="${settings[var]}" placeholder="Click to set" id="settings[${var}]">
    return html_.replace('\t', '').replace('\n', '').replace('  ', '');


def hubiForm_font_size(Map map, child){{
    def title = map.title;
    def varname =;
    def default_ = map.default;
    def min = map.min;
    def max = map.max;
    def submit_on_change = map.submit_on_change;
    def baseId = varname;

    def varFontSize = "${varname}_font"    
    settings[varFontSize] = settings[varFontSize] ? settings[varFontSize] : default_;
    submitOnChange = submit_on_change ? "submitOnChange" : "";
    def html_ = 
            <table style="width:100%">
            <tr><td><label for="settings[${varFontSize}]" class="control-label"><b>${title} Font Size</b></td>
                    <td >
                        <span id="${baseId}_font_size_val" style="text-align:right; font-size:${settings[varFontSize]}px">Font Size: ${settings[varFontSize]}</span>
            <input type="range" min = "$min" max = "$max" name="settings[${varFontSize}]" 
						      class="mdl-slider $submit_on_change " 
            <div class="form-group">
                    <input type="hidden" name="${varFontSize}.type" value="number">
                    <input type="hidden" name="${varFontSize}.multiple" value="false">
                  function ${baseId}_updateFontSize(val) {
                        var text = "";
                        text += "Font Size: "+val;
                        jQuery('#${baseId}_font_size_val').css("font-size", val+"px");
    return (html_.replace('\t', '').replace('\n', '').replace('  ', ''));


def hubiForm_fontvx_size(Map map, child){{
    def title = map.title;
    def varname =;
    def default_ = map.default;
    def min = map.min;
    def max = map.max;
    def submit_on_change = map.submit_on_change;
    def baseId = varname;
    def weight = map.weight ? "font-weight: ${map.weight} !important;" : "";
    def icon = null;
    def varFontSize = "${varname}_font"  
    def icon_size = settings[varFontSize] ? 10*settings[varFontSize] : default_*10; 
    def jq = "";
    if (map.icon){
          icon = """
                    .material-icons.test { font-size: ${icon_size}px; }
                <i id="${baseId}_icon" class="material-icons test">cloud</i>
          jq = """jQuery('.test').css('font-size', 10*val+"px");"""   
    } else {
          jq = """                              
                    jQuery('#${baseId}_font_size_val').css("font-size", 0.5*val+"em");

    settings[varFontSize] = settings[varFontSize] ? settings[varFontSize] : default_;
    submitOnChange = submit_on_change ? "submitOnChange" : "";
    def html_ = 
            <label for="settings[${varFontSize}]" class="control-label" style= "vertical-align: bottom;">
            <span id="${baseId}_font_size_val" style="float:right; font-size: ${settings[varFontSize]*0.5}em; ${weight}">
                ${icon == null ? settings[varFontSize] : icon}
            <input type="range" min = "$min" max = "$max" name="settings[${varFontSize}]" 
						      class="mdl-slider $submit_on_change " 
            <div class="form-group">
                    <input type="hidden" name="${varFontSize}.type" value="number">
                    <input type="hidden" name="${varFontSize}.multiple" value="false">
                  function ${baseId}_updateFontSize(val) {
                        var text = "";
                        text += val;"""
                    html_+= jq;
    return (html_.replace('\t', '').replace('\n', '').replace('  ', ''));


def hubiForm_line_size(Map map, child){{
    def title = map.title;
    def varname =;
    def default_ = map.default;
    def min = map.min;
    def max = map.max;
    def submit_on_change = map.submit_on_change;
    def baseId = varname;
    def varLineSize = "${varname}_line_size"     
    settings[varLineSize] = settings[varLineSize] ? settings[varLineSize] : default_;
    submitOnChange = submit_on_change ? "submitOnChange" : "";
    def html_ =
            <table style="width:100%">
            <tr><td><label for="settings[${varLineSize}]" class="control-label"><b>${title} Width</b></td>
                    <td border=1 style="text-align:right;">
		                <span id="${baseId}_line_size_text" name="testing" >
			                Width: ${settings[varLineSize]} <hr id='${baseId}_line_size_draw' style='background-color:#1A77C9; height:${settings[varLineSize]}px; border: 0;'>
            <input type="range" min = "$min" max = "$max" name="settings[${varLineSize}]" 
                              class="mdl-slider ${submitOnChange}"
            <div class="form-group">
                    <input type="hidden" name="${varLineSize}.type" value="number">
                    <input type="hidden" name="${varLineSize}.multiple" value="false">
                  function ${baseId}_updateLineInput(val) {
                        var text = "";
                        text += "Width: "+val;
                        jQuery('#${baseId}_line_size_text').after("<hr id='${baseId}_line_size_draw' style='background-color:#1A77C9; height:"+val+"px; border: 0;'>");
    return (html_.replace('\t', '').replace('\n', '').replace('  ', ''));


def hubiForm_slider(Map map, child){{
    def title = map.title;
    def varname =;
    def default_ = map.default;
    def min = map.min;
    def max = map.max;
    def units = map.units;
    def submit_on_change = map.submit_on_change;
    def fontSize;
    def varSize = "${varname}"
    def baseId = "${varname}";
    settings[varSize] = settings[varSize] ? settings[varSize] : default_;
    submitOnChange = submit_on_change ? "submitOnChange" : "";
    def html_ =
            <table style="width:100%">
            <tr><td><label for="settings[${varSize}]" class="control-label"><b>${title}</b></td>
                <td border=1 style="text-align:right;"><span id="${baseId}_slider_val" name="testing" >${settings[varSize]}${units}</span></td>
            <input type="range" min = "$min" max = "$max" name="settings[${varSize}]" 
                                                          class="mdl-slider $submitOnChange " 
            <div class="form-group">
                    <input type="hidden" name="${varSize}.type" value="number">
                    <input type="hidden" name="${varSize}.multiple" value="false">
	                function ${baseId}_updateTextInput(val) {
                        var text = "";
                        text += val+"${units}";
    return (html_.replace('\t', '').replace('\n', '').replace('  ', ''));


def hubiForm_color(child, title, varname, defaultColorValue, defaultTransparentValue, submit = false){{

            def varnameColor = "${varname}_color";
            def varnameTransparent = "${varname}_color_transparent"
            def colorTitle = "<b>${title} Color</b>"
            def notTransparentTitle = "Transparent";
            def transparentTitle = "${title}: Transparent"
            settings[varnameColor] = settings[varnameColor] ? settings[varnameColor]: defaultColorValue;
            settings[varnameTransparent] = settings[varnameTransparent] ? settings[varnameTransparent]: defaultTransparentValue;
            def isTransparent = settings[varnameTransparent];
            def html_ = 
            <div style="display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap;">
                    <div style="display: flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; flex-basis: 100%;">
                    ${!isTransparent ? """<label for="settings[${varnameColor}]" class="control-label" style="flex-grow: 1">${colorTitle}</label>""" : """"""}
                    <label for="settings[${varnameTransparent}]" class="control-label" style="width: auto;">${isTransparent ? transparentTitle: notTransparentTitle}</label>
                    ${!isTransparent ? """
                    <div style="flex-grow: 1; flex-basis: 1px; padding-right: 8px;">
                            <input type="color" name="settings[${varnameColor}]" class="mdl-textfield__input ${submit ? "submitOnChange" : ""} " value="${settings[varnameColor] ? settings[varnameColor] : defaultColorValue}" placeholder="Click to set" id="settings[${varnameColor}]" list="presetColors">
                            <datalist id="presetColors">


                    """ : ""}
                    <div class="submitOnChange">
                    <input name="checkbox[${varnameTransparent}]" id="settings[${varnameTransparent}]" style="width: 27.6px; height: 27.6px;" type="checkbox" onmousedown="((e) => { jQuery('#${varnameTransparent}').val('${!isTransparent}'); })()" ${isTransparent ? 'checked' : ''} />
                    <input id="${varnameTransparent}" name="settings[${varnameTransparent}]" type="hidden" value="${isTransparent}" />
                    <div class="form-group">
                    <input type="hidden" name="${varnameColor}.type" value="color">
                    <input type="hidden" name="${varnameColor}.multiple" value="false">

                    <input type="hidden" name="${varnameTransparent}.type" value="bool">
                    <input type="hidden" name="${varnameTransparent}.multiple" value="false">
            return (html_.replace('\t', '').replace('\n', '').replace('  ', ''));


def hubiForm_graph_preview(child){{
if (!state.count_) state.count_ = 7;

            def html_ =
                        .iframe-container {
                              overflow: hidden;
                              width: 45vmin;
                              height: 45vmin;
                              position: relative;

                        .iframe-container iframe {
                               border: 0;
                               left: 0;
                               position: absolute;
                               top: 0;
                    <div class="iframe-container">
                    <iframe id="preview_frame" style="width: 100%; height: 100%; position: relative; z-index: 1; background-image: url(''); background-size: 25px; background-repeat: repeat; image-rendering: pixelated;" src="${state.localEndpointURL}graph/?access_token=${state.endpointSecret}" data-fullscreen="false" 
                        onload="(() => {
            return (html_.replace('\t', '').replace('\n', '').replace('  ', ''));


def hubiForm_sub_section(child, myText=""){{
            def id = myText.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", "");
            def newText = myText.replaceAll("'", "").replaceAll("`", "")
            def html_ = 
                    <div class="mdl-layout__header" style="display: block; min-height: 0;">
                            <div class="mdl-layout__header-row" style="height: 48px;">
                            <span class="mdl-layout__title" style="margin-left: -32px; font-size: 9px; width: auto;">
                                <h4 id="${id}" style="font-size: 16px;">${newText}</h5>
            return (html_.replace('\t', '').replace('\n', '').replace('  ', ''));


def hubiForm_cell(child, containers, numPerRow){{
            def html_ = 
                    <div class = "mdl-grid mdl-grid--no-spacing mdl-shadow--4dp" style="margin-top: 0px !important; margin: 0px; padding: 0px 0px;"> 
                    html_ += """<div class="mdl-cell mdl-cell--${12/numPerRow}-col-desktop mdl-cell--${8/numPerRow}-col-tablet mdl-cell--${4/numPerRow}-col-phone">"""
                    html_ += container;
                    html_ += """</div>"""
            html_ += """</div>"""
            return (html_.replace('\t', '').replace('\n', '').replace('  ', ''));


def hubiForm_list_reorder(child, var, var_color, solid_background="") {{

       def count_ = 0;
        if (settings["${var}"] != null){
            list_ = parent.hubiTools_get_order(settings["${var}"]);
            //Check List
            result_ = true;
            count_ = 0;
            //check for addition/changes
            sensors.each { sensor ->
                 id =;
                 attributes = settings["attributes_${id}"];
                 attributes.each { attribute ->
                     count_ ++;
                     inner_result = false;
                     for (i=0; i<list_.size(); i++){
                         if (list_[i].id == id && list_[i].attribute == attribute){
                              inner_result = true;   
                     result_ = result_ & inner_result;
             //check for smaller
            count_result = false;
            if (list_.size() == count_){
                count_result = true;
            result_ = result_ & count_result;    
        if (result_ == false) {
            settings["${var}"] = null;        
        //build list order
        list_data = [];
        //Setup Original Ordering
        if (settings["${var}"] == null){
            settings["${var}"] = "[";
            sensors.each { sensor ->
                 attributes = settings["attributes_${}"];
                 attributes.each { attribute ->
                     settings["${var}"] += /"attribute_${}_${attribute}",/  
                     if (settings["attribute_${}_${attribute}_${var_color}_color"] == null){
                         if (solid_background== ""){
                             settings["attribute_${}_${attribute}_${var_color}_color"] = parent.hubiTools_rotating_colors(count_);
                         } else {
                             settings["attribute_${}_${attribute}_${var_color}_color"] = solid_background;
            settings["${var}"] = settings["${var}"].substring(0, settings["${var}"].length() - 1);
            settings["${var}"] += "]";

        count_ = 0;
        order_ = parent.hubiTools_get_order(settings["${var}"]);
        order_.each { device_->
            deviceName_ = parent.hubiTools_get_name_from_id(, sensors);
            title_ = """<b>${deviceName_}</b><br><p style="float: right;">${device_.attribute}</p>""";
            title_.replace("'", "").replace("`", "");
            list_data << [title: title_, var: "attribute_${}_${device_.attribute}"];
        def var_val_ = settings["${var}"].replace('"', '&quot;');
        def html_ = 
                function onOrderChange(order) {
            <script src="/local/a930f16d-d5f4-4f37-b874-6b0dcfd47ace-HubiGraph.js"></script>
            <div id = "moveable" class = "mdl-grid" style="margin: 0; padding: 0; text-color: white !important"> 
                color_ = settings["${data.var}_${var_color}_color"];
                id_ = "${data.var}"
                html_ += """<div id="$id_" class="mdl-cell mdl-cell--12-col-desktop mdl-cell--8-col-tablet mdl-cell--4-col-phone mdl-shadow--4dp mdl-color-text--indigo-400" 
                                    draggable="true" ondragover="dragOver(event)" ondragstart="dragStart(event)" ondragend= "dragEnd(event)"
                                    style = "font-size: 16px !important; margin: 8px !important; padding: 14px !important;">
                                    <i class="mdl-icon-toggle__label material-icons" style="color: ${color_} !important;">fiber_manual_record</i>
                    html_ += data.title;
                    html_ += """</div>
           html_ += """</div>
            <input type="text" id="settings${var}" name="settings[${var}]" value="${var_val_}" style="display: none;" disabled />
            <div class="form-group">
               <input type="hidden" name="${var}.type" value="text">
               <input type="hidden" name="${var}.multiple" value="false">
           html_ = html_.replace('\t', '').replace('\n', '').replace('  ', '');
           paragraph (html_);



****************************************** TOOLS ********************************************************************************


def hubiTool_create_tile(child, location="graph") {{

   "Creating HubiGraph Child Device"
            def childDevice = getChildDevice("HUBIGRAPH_${}");     
            if (!childDevice) {
                    if (!device_name) device_name="Dummy Device";
                    log.debug("Creating Device $device_name");
                    childDevice = addChildDevice("tchoward", "Hubigraph Tile Device", "HUBIGRAPH_${}", null,[completedSetup: true, label: device_name]) 
           "Created HTTP Switch [${childDevice}]"
                    //Send the html automatically
		childDevice.setGraph("${state.localEndpointURL}${location}/?access_token=${state.endpointSecret}"); "Sent setGraph: ${state.localEndpointURL}${location}/?access_token=${state.endpointSecret}"
            else {
                    childDevice.label = device_name;
           "Label Updated to [${device_name}]"
                    //Send the html automatically
       "Sent setGraph: ${state.localEndpointURL}${location}/?access_token=${state.endpointSecret}"


def hubiTools_validate_order(child, all) {{
def order = [];
sensors.eachWithIndex {sensor, idx ->
order << settings["displayOrder_${}"];

    //if we are initialized and need to check
    if(state.lastOrder && state.lastOrder[0]) {
        def remains = all.findAll { !order.contains(it) }

        def dupes = [];
        order.each {ord ->
            if(order.count(ord) > 1) dupes << ord;
        sensors.eachWithIndex {sensor, idx ->
            if(state.lastOrder[idx] == order[idx] && dupes.contains(settings["displayOrder_${}"])) {
                settings["displayOrder_${}"] = remains[0];
                app.updateSetting("displayOrder_${}", [value: remains[0], type: "enum"]);

    //reconstruct order
    order = [];
    sensors.eachWithIndex {sensor, idx ->
        order << settings["displayOrder_${}"];
    state.lastOrder = order;


def hubiTools_rotating_colors(c){

ret = "#FFFFFF"
color = c % 13;
switch (color){
    case 0: return hubiTools_get_color_code("RED"); break;
    case 1: return hubiTools_get_color_code("GREEN"); break;
    case 2: return hubiTools_get_color_code("BLUE"); break;
    case 3: return hubiTools_get_color_code("MAROON"); break;
    case 4: return hubiTools_get_color_code("YELLOW"); break;
    case 5: return hubiTools_get_color_code("OLIVE"); break;
    case 6: return hubiTools_get_color_code("AQUA"); break;
    case 7: return hubiTools_get_color_code("LIME"); break;
    case 8: return hubiTools_get_color_code("NAVY"); break;
    case 9: return hubiTools_get_color_code("FUCHSIA"); break;
    case 10: return hubiTools_get_color_code("PURPLE"); break;
    case 11: return hubiTools_get_color_code("TEAL"); break;
    case 12: return hubiTools_get_color_code("ORANGE"); break;
return ret;


def hubiTools_get_color_code(input_color){

new_color = input_color.toUpperCase();

switch (new_color){
    case "WHITE" :	return "#FFFFFF"; break;
    case "SILVER" :	return "#C0C0C0"; break;
    case "GRAY" :	return "#808080"; break;
    case "BLACK" :	return "#000000"; break;
    case "RED" :	return "#FF0000"; break;
    case "MAROON" :	return "#800000"; break;
    case "YELLOW" :	return "#FFFF00"; break;
    case "OLIVE" :	return "#808000"; break;
    case "LIME" :	return "#00FF00"; break;
    case "GREEN" :	return "#008000"; break;
    case "AQUA" :	return "#00FFFF"; break;
    case "TEAL" :	return "#008080"; break;
    case "BLUE" :	return "#0000FF"; break;
    case "NAVY" :	return "#000080"; break;
    case "FUCHSIA" :return "#FF00FF"; break;
    case "PURPLE" :	return "#800080"; break;


def hubiTools_get_name_from_id(id, sensors){

def return_val = "Error"

sensors.each { sensor ->
    if (id == {  
        return_val = sensor.displayName;
return return_val;


def hubiTools_get_order(order){

split_ = order.replace('"', '').replace('[', '').replace(']', '').replace("attribute_", "").split(',');
list_ = [];
    sub_ = device.split('_');
    list_ << [id: sub_[0], attribute:sub_[1]]; 
return list_;    


def hubiTools_check_list(child, sensors, list_){

result = true;
count_ = 0;
//check for addition/changes
sensors.each { sensor ->
                 id =;
                 attributes = settings["attributes_${}"];
                 attributes.each { attribute ->
                     count_ ++;
                     inner_result = false;
                     for (i=0; i<list_.size(); i++){
                         if (list_[i].id == id && list_[i].attribute == attribute){
                              inner_result = true;   
                     result = result & inner_result;
//check for smaller
count_result = false;
if (list_.size() == count_){
    count_result = true;
return (result & count_result);  



*************************************************** END HELPER FUNCTIONS ******************************************************************


Retry HPM. I just tried it and installed successfully.

yes, for hubigraph i did... also a half army of other like 'hubigraph time line' etc

@gertjan.deprez You could also likely export to influxdb and use grafana

maybe... but my knowledge is verry limited and for me almost a mission impossible.
And like I said in the first post... the idea of progress is to make things easier right? not more complex.

but thx for trying and thinking.

Well I posted the hubigraph code above for you to reinstall.

I looked around, HPM still says it's in my HE even after I think I deleted them all...
I tried the HPM repair function and now it's back in all it's glory...

But still not working... 'drawing chart 4/4' but never showing a chart.
I asked one to make of power usage in general from the last hour, updating every min and combining all events in 30sec.

In my experience if a graph gets 'stuck' like this there is usually something configured incorrectly.
It could be a device offline and not showing the selected attribute.
Check the graph settings again to make sure it is correct.


don't think that's it because for energy i see live on my dashboard the numbers changing if the AC turns on etc. it also matches the app numer from the device itself. So the sensor is working.

Have you deleted the child device and device driver and reinstalled that?

don't ask me how but it kinda works...

I deleted the hubigraph manually, rapaired it with the HPM, tried deleting it with HPM but failed, deleted it manually again... deleted it with HPM with succes... whitout installing again i deleted it again. then i repaired it again with HPM... and did repair with HPM

now i have 3 app on HE all called hubigraph and 1 of them seems to be working...

Still, i think something went wrong :stuck_out_tongue:

IF HPM is already 'managing' a package, then HPM expects to do all of the managing :smiley:

If you use Install and some of the packages are installed already, HPM puts a solid block at the end:

Screen Shot 2022-07-10 at 8.18.30 AM

In that image of 4 packages, 3 are installed already, only 1 can be installed.

You'd have to use Uninstall to remove the package from HPM's DB. Or use Repair to simply download the package again.

If you work outside of HPM to delete packages, then obviously HPM doesn't know and the package will remain in HPM's DB. I added the UnMatch feature to assist with the process of getting HPM's DB and 'actual' back into alignment.


If you are interested I created a Raspberry Pi image that will do a bit of the heavy lifting for you to get started with InfluxDB and Grafana. It is here.

There is allot of good info in that thread as well about graphing options. With that raspberry pi image and the Influx DB Logger that can be installed from HPM you can have it up and running and no time.


Another option: I ported an app to use the InitialState service, it will periodically send the data you select to their graphing service. Could easily be modified to send somewhere else as well. I use this for Temp tracking for ranges that go beyond what I can get in Hubigraph (which I still use).