Hubduino to replace ST Zigbee buttons - Feedback on reliability?

Hi All,
I am completely frustrated with the reliability of the ST Zigbee buttons and other ST sensors. More specifically my wife is threatening to get an electrician to unwire all my HA work!

I am using EricM's Somnoff code on 4 gang relay units to switch external Omron Relays- and that seems very reliable. The relays in turn switch the normal stuff - lights and pumps etc.

My issue is that is literally a Russian roulette whether the Samsung Button will send the required trigger to Hubitat. And if the light doesn't come on when the button is pressed - look out!

So I am planning to replace every Zigbee button, and sensor with a hardwired button or contact switch. Its not a big deal as i have run security cable and cat 6 to most locations.

I am building up some relay drivers to replace the Sonoffs at the same time, so it will be Hubitat and Hubduino doing the switching and sensing. I plan on making up two Hubduinos' one for switching the relays, and the other to read the sensors. I dont want to jump from the frying pan into the fire so looking for feedback on whether this is a good plan and most importantly reliable.

I have already built up a Hubduino (thanks Ogiewon!), and it seems to work very well with short input cables from the contact sensors, but some on the sensors will be be 30m away from the Hubduino. The hubduinos will be on a wired Ethernet on the same vlan as the Hubitat.

So - really looking for input from anyone who has already gone down this track....I am so tired if replacing the batteries on those buttons! I would love to go down the Pico Lutron track but the frequencies aren't legit here in NZ.


I would simply add a zigbee repeater, this will likely fix your button and sensor issues.

What @jon1 said! If you have no zigbee devices on mains you're going to have a weak zigbee network. And that is also the reason why the buttons are draining batteries. So get (for instance) some (1 for every 6 battery devices) Ikea tradfri outlet or repeaters (they both do the same thing). And plug them in at places between Hubitat and your buttons. Pair them with Hubitat. Shutdown the Hubitat for about 30 minutes and boot it after that. That would probably solve your issues.

Yep, tried that. I have two 'outlets' that act as repeaters; Zigbee switch(s) as show below: Rebuilt my mesh many,many,many times by switching off hubitat for 30 minutes.

Parent child parameters
EzspGetParentChildParametersResponse [childCount=3, parentEui64=0000000000000000, parentNodeId=65535]

Child Data
child:[Garage Button, 4547, type:EMBER_SLEEPY_END_DEVICE]
child:[MS 1, 80C0, type:EMBER_SLEEPY_END_DEVICE]
child:[Downstairs Motion, 4188, type:EMBER_SLEEPY_END_DEVICE]

Neighbor Table Entry
[Zigbee Switch 1, D55F], LQI:69, age:7, inCost:7, outCost:0
[Zigbee Switch Front Door, FAD8], LQI:60, age:7, inCost:7, outCost:0

Route Table Entry
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [null, F025] via [null, 195F]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Zigbee Switch Front Door, FAD8] via [Zigbee Switch Front Door, FAD8]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Bulb Wemo Downstairs by Bathroom, 0C7D] via [Zigbee Switch Front Door, FAD8]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [null, 5580] via [Zigbee Switch 1, D55F]

Well, my always on HubDuino/ST_Anything systems have been running very reliably for multiple years. One thing to be aware of is that the current Button implementation only supports pushed and held events. It would be possible to add released events with some code rework.

You mention using wired Ethernet devices. Does this mean youโ€™re considering using Arduino MEGA boards + W5100/5500 shields? I did have a lightning strike nearby fry one of these combinations. I also lost Ethernet ports on routers, switches, a PC, and an Xbox during this storm event. My WiFi connected devices were fine, of course. Just something to consider. Also, i believe the ESP8266 and ESP32 based microcontrollers are significantly faster than the older Arduino boards.

Thanks Ogiewon. Yes, planning on using Mega and 5500. I used your code on ST and still have the original ST zigbee thing for Arduino. We dont tend to have extreme lightning here, so can run that risk...I have about 50 ports on Ubiquiti, Meraki and Watchguard so far so good - touch wood.

I have shut down my ST V2 hub as I thought that may have been giving me Zigbee headaches - no change.

Pushed and held is fine,,,my wife cant get her head around the double click concept on a switch :wink:

Do I see a zigbee bulb in there? Do you have more of those?

The LQIs of your repeaters are pretty poor at only 60 ish. They should be as near to 254 as possible. I would guess this is your issue. Try to get the repeaters nearer to the hub?

Thanks @jon1 ! I moved a repeater to withing a couple of meters of the Hubitat and am seeing much better Zigbee performance!

Parent child parameters
EzspGetParentChildParametersResponse [childCount=2, parentEui64=0000000000000000, parentNodeId=65535]

Child Data
No information for Child 0
child:[MS 1, 80C0, type:EMBER_SLEEPY_END_DEVICE]

Neighbor Table Entry
[null, 0632], LQI:253, age:7, inCost:3, outCost:0
[null, 195F], LQI:246, age:3, inCost:5, outCost:7
[Zigbee Switch 1, D55F], LQI:254, age:3, inCost:1, outCost:2
[Zigbee Switch Front Door, FAD8], LQI:176, age:3, inCost:7, outCost:7

Route Table Entry
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Garage Button, FFA9] via [Zigbee Switch 1, D55F]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [null, F025] via [null, 195F]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Deck Switch, 01F7] via [Zigbee Switch Front Door, FAD8]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Bulb Wemo Downstairs by Bathroom, 0C7D] via [null, 0632]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [null, CA44] via [Zigbee Switch Front Door, FAD8]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Zigbee Switch Front Door, FAD8] via [Zigbee Switch Front Door, FAD8]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [CONTACT 6, 64CD] via [Zigbee Switch Front Door, FAD8]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [null, 5580] via [Zigbee Switch 1, D55F]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [null, D1EA] via [Zigbee Switch Front Door, FAD8]

Yes, I have a couple of Wemo's that I am retiring and moving to Yeelight (wi-fi).

Because zigbee bulbs generally screw up your mesh for battery operated devices. So that could also be a reason.

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