HubConnect install

I can't help because I've shut my ST Hub and deleted it from my account. I used the IDE to add (and Publish) both the SmartApp and. the DTH, but that's as far as I get.

In the SmartThings (iphone/ipad) app, there's no option to install the SmartApp. I turned on Developer mode but there's still no + in the Automations tab.

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I deleted the app and re-installed on my Iphone IOS15. Under automation I clicked the + at top of page and then select add routine. When I scrolled down I found all my groovy apps that are currently in the IDE and I was able to re-install Hubconnect.

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That's my difficulty... there is no + on my Automation page. Favorites, devices and Life all have a + but Automation: nada.

Does the add routine work. The + on mine only offers two options add scene and add routine.

YES!! it does. There at the bottom is the HubConnect smart App for me.

Lemme see if I can config it. Been so long, I'm liable to make every error possible.

It was more clicking than I remember but I got a HubConnect Remote for SmartThings (Hubless) again. :slight_smile:

I have no devices on ST, of course, so I'll use the IDE to create a "Simulated Dimmer" and mirror it to Hubitat.

That went well...

And sure enough, it appears on Hubitat "instantly".

Control works as it should... I set the dimmer on ST's device to 29% and...

On Hubitat:

Screen Shot 2022-02-04 at 12.41.45 PM

This is obviously not ultra exhaustive, but it's enough to say that a message of
"We're having trouble connecting. Check your network connection and try again."
isn't an inherent problem with either ST's infrastructure or Hubitat's.

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did you lose all your devices and settings by doing this?

I lost all the setups in Hubconnect if that is what you mean.

yes, that is what I mean and exactly what I am trying to avoid if at all possible