Hub variable page not working

latest release.. not beta. hub variable page shows variables but cannot click on them or the plus (add) greyed out.. not working what do i do?
no errors in logs..


figured it out.. for some reason thought i was in the middel of editing somthing.. click done and now useable?
any ideas what was going on. thanks

You clicked on that variable's name, bringing up In Use and Rename....


I have a similar situation, but with no RENAME or DONE buttons to press.
Hub variables page not working, + and CREATE NEW VARIABLE HERE greyed out.
I'm on the latest firmware and tried rebooting, but same greyed out situation.

I was trying to put together a RM rule with local variables, etc when this occurred.

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I did a restore from last nights local backup and can proceed now.
But strange this happened.

Was the backup made on

OK, weird... you made me look at the Hub Variables page, where I intended to try making a new variable, and this popped up after clicking [+] but before I typed anything:

C-7 running on Chrome (latest) in Win11
Will continue testing to see if this is reproducible.

No, it was made on version prior,