Hub Update: Download Speeds

635KB = ~5Mb

Kb or kB?

Or is it KB?



Fixed. :wink:

I'll blame autocorrect, even though it was exactly what I typed.


I blame Siri for everything I can get away with.


Thanks everyday is learning

i may be a little behind but i love these new tools and the network speed/auto-negotiate drop down.. thanks for these additions!!

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So glad this "selectable" auto negotiate was added. Over a year ago one of my hubs was changed to "fixed" because the claim was netgear routers had issues with this. It never helped any but was told that it couldn't be reversed.

Been having some severe UI screen lag especially if it's been a few days after a reboot. Changed this back to auto-negotiate and the UI is zippy fast again. :crossed_fingers:


@cdikland so I did some digging and I found that my C5 was set to auto-negotiate (thank you to the HE team for giving us the dropdown option) however my C7 was set to 100. I switched it to auto-negotiate and i just downloaded x.x.x.126 a few mins ago and to my surprise my C7 is screaming along just like my C5.. Both downloaded in under 10 seconds. Also what I realized this morning when I was tinkering, is my hub mesh would take forever to establish prior to switching my C7 to Auto-negotiate, however this morning the hub mesh was connected and working by the time I logged back into the interface. I said I would look into my speed discrepancy issue and report back. So here I am reporting LOL. Hope your issue ends up as simple as mine was!!


Well, I also switches to Auto-Negotiate and download speed went from 3+ minutes down to 5-10 seconds. As I stated above, this new setting improved download speed but navigating the ui was painfullly slow at times. I therefore set it back to fixed speed. Much to my surprise though, after reverting back to fixed speed, download speed now is as good as auto-negotiate.

Why I quoted your comment about hub-mesh is that it makes me wonder if my past mesh problems were related to these settings. I had mesh enabled a few months ago but it was so bad I disabled it. One of the two hub in the mesh (last one to come online) would eventually come to a crawl. Only way to get it back to normal speed is to reboot the other hub. Of course, now this other hub would eventually slow to a crawl. I ended up disabling mesh and havent looked into it anymore. When I read your comments I may have to try out mesh again now that it is so easy to tweak the auto-fixed settings


glad my tinkering helped you out and may push ya to test out the hub mesh again.. though i havenโ€™t got a lot over but the little i do have works great before, and now the mesh connection is a lot better now that i made my changes!! happy HEโ€™ing lol

As a general rule, auto negotiate works well if both the switch and client use this.

If one side uses auto and the other is specified, the result can be slower network capacity than you would expect.

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to necro an older thread, this still happens oddly. My C5 downloaded the 2.2.8 update in like, 5 seconds? My C7 took about 45 seconds.

Both use PoE adapters. Biggest diff is my C5 is connected directly to my backbone switch, and my C7 is hung off a switch in my closet with it, my lutron, and my AP off it. Everything is gig except of course the HE and Lutron. Everything set to auto-negotiation. Though, I just realized, HE says it's set to auto-negotiate, but it doesn't say what it actually negotiated at... is that info anywhere?

Super weird... almost behaves like HE is running at half duplex, or even speed mismatched. But HE and Switch agree on speed. Is the download just low priority based on other hub load? My C5 is super low load, and my C7 is much higher load.

Nothing readily readable.

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darn. Could that be added in a future release? certainly not critical, but if you have a "nice to have" pile, that might be nice. =)

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The usual "no promises" policy applies, but I can see this being useful for support, too.


ha, of course! Thanks, as always, sir!

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So this has come back since the 2.2.9 update. My C7 hub is now extremely slow when updating. This was fixed a while back by setting the hub to auto negotiate to true as noted above. I checked and per network settings it is set to auto negotiate. Has something changed?

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Having the exact same problem with 2.2.9

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It must be a flag that can be changed. I only have one C-7 that is slow. The other C-7's and C-5's are fine.

It's been weird reading other people's experience, I have a C-4 and C-7 and my C-7 has been lightning fast through all the updates, including a number of 2.2.9 builds, it has been my C-4 that has lagged behind in terms of update speed. My C-4 certainly cops it in terms of the code it runs, a number of LAN and cloud integrations, and has recently needed almost a daily reboot. My C-7 is primarily lighting and only has a relatively small number of apps being used and not resource hogs.

Not sure if any of this is related...

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