Hub update breaks two of my device connections

Can you screen shot the device section of the device data section.. In particular I'm looking for the inClusters ..

Here you go!

Ok... I see the problem.. You need to switch to the generic z-wave dimmer driver..

Switch Multilevel V1

Command Class: 0x26

Yeah, what's weird is that it used to work, up until this hub update, with the switch driver. There's a physical switch on the back of the device that lets me choose between dimmer and switch and this one is set to switch.

Using the dimmer driver is totally fine, just letting you know that the switch driver used to work and now doesn't.

Thanks for looking into it! Much appreciated!

Right .. there were some major changes to z-wave drivers..

Ahhhh gotcha. That would explain it (I assume, I don't actually understand most of that, haha)!

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