Hub Unresponsive - when viewing Hub Events


You are correct, My hub events are at 24 (similar to @csteele.)

Perhaps you should post a snapshot of the types of events that can rack up that number.


Wow. My hub has been in use since Feb. 5th and I only have 55 entries in Hub Events (and the oldest is dated Feb. 5th, so apparently nothing has been truncated),

i have 1846 entries. I think most of them are ssdpTerm (urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:Basic:1)

I only have 55 Hub Events as well. All appear to be based on startup of the hub since receiving it in early February.

That's part of the problem. I'm trying to see what types of events are listed but it only shows 10 at a time and takes FOREVER to navigate to the next page.

It might have to do with the type if integrations I have running. As @cuboy29 mentioned it is seems to be mainly ssdp events.
I have the following integration:

I set the no of entries to 100 so I could see a bunch at a time. Took like 10 minutes but see the event list below. Seems to be the same list every minute.

You are clearly have some devices/apps running that many don't. This is a job for the Hubitat staff.


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You're right, it's supposed to truncate to 1K every night:

My hub came online on February 6 and I only have 93 hub events. I realize this is apples to oranges as I don't have the integrations you have setup but obviously something is logging more than it should. I would reach out to support and @bobbyD will get you fixed.

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Have already...we are working on it. Seems like one of my integrations might be stuck in SSDP discovery. Also it appears that the there is an issue with the log cleanups.


I have most of those integration as well. My list also include the following

Smartlife RGB Light Connect
Sonoff Connect

Just an update on this. It appears that the Hue Integration app is causing the frequent hub events. Still not sure why.

The log cleanup script wasn't able to keep up with the huge amount of entries and I ended up with 350,000 entries and counting. The latest f/w addresses the log cleanup issue and I'm down to 6000 this morning. The entire web interface feels much snappier now including Hub Events.

As always, thanks to the Hubitat team and their diligent bug squashers.


Hmmm I'm having the same problem. I remove the Hue Integration app and they stop. I add it back and they add up to over 10,000 in a day.

@patrick is looking into this. The good news is that the logs should get cleaned up every night so they don't build up over time (if you are running the latest firmware that is).

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Sweet thanks.

Just curious if this was ever fixed.. I'm up to 20,000 events in one day..

I'm dont believe so....but it is no longer creating a visible issue for me. The daily log cleanups keep my Hub Event log under control and I no longer have issues viewing them. Are you seeing any negative effects beyond the log spam?

Release 1.1.4 has a Hue update that should reduce these significantly

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