Hub slow/non-responsive after power outage

Hey folks,

I had a power outage last week and my hub has been slow/non-responsive ever since. I tried a reboot (router & hub), downgrades, upgrades, hard power cycle, soft power cycle, and a soft reset and started reattaching all my devices back manually.

However, the response time is still so slow that I can only think they my db is corrupt or possible the hub is defective. The factory/hard reset seems to require a secret handshake to find out how to do it, as I have seen references that it exists, but nobody will say how to do it.

Emails to support are going un-answered.

Any help would be appreciated.


The symptoms you're describing would point me towards a failed device after power came back up (it happens with electronics). The hub and 99% of everything came back up fine but one failed ZWave device can muck up the whole works.

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I disconnected all devices and was re-discovering them individually (I only have a dozen or so devices so far, so no big deal). Even before I started re-discovering all the Z-waves, response from the hub is crap. So this seems to point more to the hub than a device. No?

If you have done a complete exclusion process with each device, creating a relatively virgin hub, and then re-included them then that would not point to a device issue. If that's the case then you'd need to get support involved so they can remote in and view logs that we can't see.

If you didn't do the complete exclude process on each device then you probably have a few 'ghost' devices which have been known to cause chaos. There is a plethora of forum discussions on how to address them, a search will net you a lot of resources.

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Thank you! I did not do an explicit exclude, but I have been doing factory resets on the devices.

Sounds like I need to wait for support to answer my email. I appreciate the help!

Do you have a downloaded backup you can restore to? Or, if it was working less than 10 days ago, a working backup could be stored on your hub.

Yep. Tried that but hub was still slow. Even back-rev'd and used an older backup. No change.

@kjames0603 - Keep in mind that the root cause may still be a failed/gorked device which caused the initial slowdown. At this point it sounds like you may benefit from a ZW radio full reset (it's an option on the bottom of the ZW details screen). Exclude/factory reset whatever devices are left on the HE, full reset the ZW radio which should bring it back to factory virgin. Make sure all the remaining devices have been excluded/factory reset (you can use HE's exclusion even though the devices are not attached). Then start re-building.

@brandonspitza - sadly, restoring a backup does not do anything to the ZW radio's device list so in this case a backup would not help.

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Just going to throw something in here.
Is there much on your hub from a device and rule point of view?
Is it going to be easy to rebuild?
If so, you could do the following.
Soft Reset.
Through the settings page.
Reset z-wave radio.
reset zigbee radio.
I would then shutdown the hub.
Power it down for 1 minute.
Power it back up again.
You will now have a clean hub to start from scratch with.
You may have to put your z-wave devices in exclusion mode or factory reset them.
Then start including again.

This is only a suggestion if you feel it is easy enough to do.

Something to think about.

Disclaimer. I take no responsibility if it doesn't work. :wink:


I've done everything there except the shutdown. Will add that to the list.

Not too bad to rebuild and there are some things I know now that I didn't know the first time around. So will hopefully do it better 2nd time around!

Thanks for the tips

So .... everything reset and rebooted. Even turned off the z-wave radio. Seems a bit faster, but not by much. Before I add everything back in, I think I need support to look under the hood and see what's going on.

Is there any way to flag them here so they answer emails?

Tagging @bobbyD

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Hi there, thank you for reaching out. I see that we looked at your hub on Tuesday, and we didn't see anything in your hub's error log that could explain the problem reported, so we asked for additional details, such as screenshots of Logs (past Logs) or specific example of what is "slow". Looks like we received two additional emails from you, one saying that you are "still waiting" and the other simply saying "ping!". In case you didn't see my response, here is the message:

Thanks for taking the time to reach out to us, we're here to help! Based on your hub's error log there is nothing to indicate an internal issue. Are there any errors in your hub's Logs (past logs) that you may be able to share? There is no indication that the database is corrupted.

If you need help gathering additional details, here is a document that you may find helpful in collecting more details about your problem:


On the off chance this is any help at all...

I keep my C7 HEs each running 2.4.158 on a UPS, but a couple of weeks ago I accidentally unplugged the one in a "tiny house" office on our property from its UPS as I was rearranging things near the device. When I plugged it back in, it was unable to communicate with a z-wave Leviton appliance module I have in that building (one of only about three devices and a tiny handful of Rules on this HE device). Nothing I did would restore the connection, so I finally ended up completely excluding it and adding the same device back in, then recreating the few Rules that control it. It has worked perfectly since.

So... The device itself was fine, and the HE was fine, but the power loss seemed to "obliterate" information in the HE hub about that one, single device. I've no idea why, but perhaps that will add some tiny bit of info to solving this puzzle.

Hey Bobby. Thanks for reaching out. No, I didn't get your emails and didn't find them in spam.

I will send the error logs. There are these errors that are showing since I did the exludes:

sys:12021-01-22 01:03:30.261 am warnReceived cloud request for App 1 that does not exist, path: /device/197 from

sys:12021-01-22 01:03:30.212 am warnReceived cloud request for App 1 that does not exist, path: /device/385 from

sys:12021-01-22 01:03:30.210 am warnReceived cloud request for App 1 that does not exist, path: /device/198 from

sys:12021-01-22 01:03:30.207 am warnReceived cloud request for App 1 that does not exist, path: /device/161 from

sys:12021-01-22 01:03:30.202 am warnReceived cloud request for App 1 that does not exist, path: /device/513 from

sys:12021-01-22 01:03:30.191 am warnReceived cloud request for App 1 that does not exist, path: /device/257 from

sys:12021-01-22 01:03:30.185 am warnReceived cloud request for App 1 that does not exist, path: /device/417 from

sys:12021-01-22 01:03:30.167 am warnReceived cloud request for App 1 that does not exist, path: /device/321 from

sys:12021-01-22 01:03:30.175 am warnReceived cloud request for App 1 that does not exist, path: /device/162 from

sys:12021-01-22 01:03:30.171 am warnReceived cloud request for App 1 that does not exist, path: /device/65 from

sys:12021-01-22 01:03:30.168 am warnReceived cloud request for App 1 that does not exist, path: /device/196 from

sys:12021-01-22 01:03:30.166 am warnReceived cloud request for App 1 that does not exist, path: /device/421 from

sys:12021-01-21 08:14:43.839 pm warnReceived cloud request for App 1 that does not exist, path: /device/417 from

sys:12021-01-21 08:14:43.839 pm warnReceived cloud request for App 1 that does not exist, path: /device/421 from

sys:12021-01-21 05:48:30.734 pm warnReceived cloud request for App 1 that does not exist, path: /device/321 from

Hey folks. Just to close out this thread. Problem was found. Turns out I had enabled HUB MESH, although I currently only have a single hub. Once I disabled this, performance returned to normal.

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