Hub Mesh

Anyone know why all my AVG devices died and only report 0 degrees after updating the OS and setting up Mesh? Even when I was still using the HC devices to AVG, it was reporting 0. So odd. I'm having a lot of weird little issues.

I also have moved from HubConnect to mesh. I have 3 hubs. It was easy to set up and most of my errors seemed to have disappeared. Some points to note:
1:The Alexa names have are the same with ON xx hub in them but you can still call using the original name.
So kitchen light becomes Kitchen light on xyz hub but you dont need to say on hub xyz. Of course you have to modify any routines that accessed the name directly.
2: I had an issue where I removed a device that was linked into a hub. It wasn't removed. I'm thinking maybe this hub was down at the time so there doesn't seem to be a periodic clean up process. I can live with this.
3:Sometimes they don't seem to sync at all. The devices say they are offline but they are not. Numerous reboots seem to fix. This may be just an issue with me making so many changes. It seems to have settle down.

All together this mesh feature is brilliant, I love it, much easier to set up. Well done guys.


I think that is by design. If you read the documentation it links to it says you have to remove the devices manually on the hub that is linked to the device if the device is removed.


I agree. I think it's by design and it does put the device OFFLINE.

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I would guess this to prevent you from accidently screwing up a rule that contains shared device if you were to stop sharing?


So I apply this morning. All 3 hubs come up but :
I have switches defined on one hub. These switches are shared with another hub that has the alexa connection. Normally I would just say turn on xyx device and it would just work, but not at the moment.
So I try from the Alexa connected hub in the dashboard , still not working, I try from the device list(its online), still not working so finally I try from the hub owning the switch and it works.

The alexa hub can see it's now on. So updates are only working one way.

So another cycle of reboots, it's working again then a few minutes later it isn't!

Anyone else seeing this behaviour?

Well this 'now it's working now it isn't' cycle repeats its self endlessly.. I observe it takes about 1:15 -/+ 10 secs per cycle.. is this expected behaviour?

I am having zero issues. I have three hubs but only sharing between two so far. About 35 in one direction and about 15 + mode in the other.

Just curious. By this do you mean you did not go into the Alexa app and remove the on xx hub part of the name and it still works? I edited all my names in Alexa because I thought that’s the only way she would respond. It would be nice if I didn’t have to do that next time I add a shared device. I will have to test it.

If you fill out the shared device's Label Name, Alexa uses that instead of Device Name I believe. If that field is blank, it goes to the Devices Name.

Hub Mesh doesn't share the device's Label when created; it's blank.

I added Label Name text for all of my Shared Devices to Alexa and none of their names in Alexa ended "on hub xx"


Same here.

@gopher.ny - can I echo the suggestion made by others to consider sharing the device label along with the device name via Hub Mesh? Thanks!


Yes. In Alexa they have a long name but I refer to the short name and it works. I like it this way because the name tell me where the physical device is which I find useful yet in Alexa you refer to the short name. Perfect!

Sometime can see the trees for the forest.

I went into one of the devices and saw I could edit the device name. Totally forgot about the label just below it.


Yes I see the benefit of this as well. Thanks.

I put a chainlink emoji at the end of my shared devices' Label so I can easily distinguish and that doesn't bother Alexa either.

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That’s very good to know.

And of course I only asked this question after reading through the CSS docks on how to change what’s shows up for the title of an tile. Lol.

#tile-2 .tile-title {
visibility: hidden;
#tile-2 .tile-title:after {
visibility: visible;
text-align: center;
content: 'vp.Steve.home';

#tile-3 .tile-title {
visibility: hidden;
#tile-3 .tile-title:after {
visibility: visible;
text-align: center;
content: '';

#tile-5 .tile-title {
visibility: hidden;
#tile-5 .tile-title:after {
visibility: visible;
text-align: center;
content: 'Garage Door';

#tile-51 .tile-title {
visibility: hidden;
#tile-51 .tile-title:after {
visibility: visible;
position: absolute;
left: 2px;
right: 2px;
text-align: center;
content: 'Laundry';

#tile-52 .tile-title {
visibility: hidden;
#tile-52 .tile-title:after {
visibility: visible;
text-align: center;
content: 'Workshop';

I can do that, but that would also mean device label will not be editable locally. It's one or another, I'm not adding an extra tuning parameter, so better be sure :slight_smile:


I’m ok with it being editable just like it is ... now that I have been educated.

@gopher.ny I’m seeing some weirdness with hub mesh. I have some virtual switches that are on hub1 (which are used in the alexa skill), those switches are then shared with hub2 (which is connected to devices over radio). The state of the virtual switches aren’t changing, but the rules on hub2 keep getting triggered with the same command, in this case “off”. this seems to be happening every 2 minutes or so.

It seems as though the hubs are syncing virtual switch state every 2 minutes and it is causing rules to be triggered. I don’t know if there is an issue with my topology or a bug in hub mesh or what.


This came up a few times. Yes, there's a full sync going on every 2 minutes (by default) to make up for potentially missed messages. Refresh interval can be set using URL /device/hubMeshFullRefreshInterval/123 to a value between 60 and 3600. I'll add an "off" option + some UI on top of it.

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