Hub Mesh -) Zooz power strip -)child devices?

I am stumped, cannot figure out how to share the child devices.
Any help is appreciated.

I think if you share the parent the child devices get shared as well.

I do not find them in the device list, or under the parent device.
Nor in share local devices list on sharing hub.
So, not in link to remote devices list of receiving hub.

I have a Zooz power strip. I was not sharing it, but I had seen this with my Inovelli child devices I assumed it worked for any child device and it seems I was correct in that assumption.

I shared my Zooz power strip via hub mesh, I went to another hub and added the device. The only device that gets listed is the parent. However, after adding the parent when I went to the device list for the shared device on all the child devices were listed.

Parent is there, children are not populating.
Including Regularly sync with source device

Must be something particular about that device/driver. I'll take a look.

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