I'm curious. I'm only using one C8 so do not use Hub Mesh, but do have a spare C7 laying around.
Say I have two meshes, each with their own zigbee end devices, repeaters, etc . I join the two meshes with Hub Mesh. Will the zigbee devices from one mesh route through repeaters that are paired with the other mesh? Or, will they stick with the repeaters on the hub they were originally paired with.
I guess there could be a similar question for z-wave. Would a device on one mesh route through a device on the other mesh, if both meshes were joined via Hub Mesh?
I'll jump in and suggest that I expect not. Typically each coordinator, i.e. each HE hub, will have it's own channel for it's Zigbee network, so they will not talk to one another. In HE's case, the way they will "talk" to one another will be via Hub Mesh, a UDP protocol over your LAN if I am correct... Probably best to let someone confirm each of those "facts"
Don't muddle up the word "Mesh". It's used to describe the method of interconnecting. "Star" is one method, "mesh" is another. We generally say "Zigbee Mesh" to distinguish from "ZWave Mesh" -- in other words there's usually an additional word to define what is being interconnected. Yes, often there's a shorthand in topics about one set of devices or another. We will say "Mesh" by itself in a Zigbee topic.
Hub Mesh is the two words that describe how Hubitat hubs are interconnected. I can easily distinguish that by saying HubConnect is a star interconnect method for hubs.
For HubMesh, it requires an explicit selection of DEVICES (Zwave, Zigbee, LAN, Virtual) to be shared with another Hubitat Hub. Turning on HubMesh does nothing useful. Selecting devices to be shared is when HubMesh becomes useful. Sharing is done over TCP via the LAN and is completely independent of any device allegiance.
I've noted that the use of the term mesh in Hub Mesh seems to confuse a lot of (especially new ) users, maybe even worse in the past few years with the overuse of it for everything wireless. Having the checkbox on each device settings page adds to that confusion, especially when you only have 1 hub OR you don't have Hub Mesh turned on.
Perhaps HE management would consider updating the term to something else, like Hub Share or Device Sync. Or updating the UI so the checkbox is grey'ed out on the device pages if you don't have hub mesh actually configured or more than 1 hub.
That's what I'd like... or even 'hidden' like Advanced is. If HubMesh isn't enabled on this specific hub, then all the options don't need to be displayed.