Hub mesh wasn't working for several hours after upgrade to, rolling back to .160 got it working


  1. C8 - house
  2. C5 - detatched garage

Hub mesh has been working in the existing network setup for a few years. Several devices are shared between hubs for dashboards, apps, rules, etc.

Netgear Orbi 753 with two satellites meshed. In the detached garage is a Netgear 6700 running Tomato, which connects via 5ghz to the Orbi network. The C5 is hardwired via ethernet into the Netgear 6700.

No network changes have happened in nearly a year. During debugging this issue the Orbi setup detected a new firmware from Netgear and all routers upgraded - however this was after hub mesh was detected as not working following the upgrade.

Steps to replicate:

  1. Upgraded to around 3P CT today
  2. Realized at 8P that hub mesh was not working; it's possible that broke hub-mesh as I believe I upgraded to that version a few days ago, but I don't recall noticing any outage.

Steps to try to resolve:

  1. Rebooted both hubs, waited 30 minutes
  2. Clicked on Settings > Hub Mesh > Active Hubs > Reconnect - once per each hub, waited an additional 30 minutes
  3. Went into Hub Diagnostics for both hubs, and rolled back to
  4. Have waited 15 minutes, and not seeing either hub show in the others Hub Mesh settings; will continue to wait.

I will update this post once/if hub mesh starts working again. Hubitat staff have my permission to look at anything related to my hub during debugging if it's helpful.

UPDATE: rolling back to finally resolved it. Waited an hour after rolling back to and hub mesh didn’t work. 10 minutes after rolling back to and hub mesh resumed working.

I'm running and I'm not able to replicate this, though there shouldn't have been any issues with 163 i would update to 164 anyway.

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