Hub Mesh or 2.2.4 added a bunch of generic devices to my remote system?

I decided I wanted to start with something small and look at Hub mesh. I have two Hubs, one is at the house and the other is in my shop. I currently have them connected via Hubconnect. I also have a small storage building behind the shop that has 2 motion sensors, two contact sensors and a light switch.

I though that would be a good test to just share those devices on the mesh and see how it worked. I first removed those 5 devices from Hubconnect and then added them to the Hub mesh. I am not sure when it happened but I now have about 40 or so generic devices that have been added to my remote hub. I saw these devices listed when I clicked the drop down to share devices on the mesh. I at first thought that Hub mesh was not using the correct names for my devices and only listed everything as generic. I realized after scrolling down the list that all my current devices were in fact in the list. See screenshot of a partial list.

I have deleted a few of them and they seem to be causing no ill effects, but it's a good 40 devices I have to go through 1 by 1 and delete.

Another issue I see with Hub Mesh and perhaps I am missing something. I added the 5 devices and my main hub did see them. One of those devices was a light switch. It was called Shed Light on my remote hub, now on the shared hub the name was Shed Light on Shop Hubitat. Shop Hubitat being the name of the hub the device it is paired to. So now if I want to turn on the shed light via Aleaxa I have to say Alexa Turn on shed light on shop hubitat. I could not change the name on the hub linking to the device. My plan is to have a hub that runs just automations and webcore and RM and the other hubs just host the devices. I can't customize the name on the rule hub? Every device name on the shared hub name will have to include the hub it is attached to? Not a big deal for RM or webcore but it is for Alexa automations.

To fix your last problem, you can fill in the Label field for the device but not the Name as you noticed. Alexa uses Label and it starts blank when shared to hub. I add the chainlink emoji to all of my shared devices so I know it's not the actual device. It doesn't affect Alexa.


But you can rename it to whatever you want in the

Alexa app.

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OK Thanks I thought I saw that both were blanked out. I will have to try that again.

I would prefer not to have to rename anything but I guess that is where we are with Hub mesh.

An option to leave off the connected hub would be nice. Maybe there is a reason it can't, but for me I want to just use the name I share.

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I would have preferred they just carried over the name as-is, and had some other property/flag indicate it is a remote device. But whatever, I can rename if needed. :man_shrugging:


@stephen_nutt, thanks again that did work. I added the devices back to the mesh and it did not put the generic devices back on. Not sure why that happened. I spent about 10 minutes deleting them, so if it had put them back again :angry:.

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Just throw the :man_shrugging: emoji at the end of all of your devices. Or literally a :triangular_flag_on_post:.



More like a :white_flag:.

Once you surrender to Skynet, it all gets much easier.