Hub Mesh - only local?

I am trying to find a way to receive notifications from both of my hubs at different locations.
So I decided to share my phone device from one hub to the other as a notification device.
But then I realized that hub mesh only works on local network.

Is there a way to achieve this on remote networks ?
port mapping or other method ?

if hub mesh does not work that way, how can I get notification on 2 hubs ?
any other method ?

Yes, hub mesh is local.

You might try the community driver Hub Connect. That is not local limited. It’s best to install Hub Connect using Hubitat Package Manager.


i would suggest creating a VPN between the sites since the hubs by default are http, so sending information over public internet unencrypted may be a security concern


You can easily use Pushover for Notifications, instead of the Hubitat Mobile App. I have three hubs and Node-RED all configured to use my Pushover account. Works great!