I'm attempting to setup Hub Mesh and have run into issues:
There isn't an option to select all under "Share local devices"
One hub displays a circled red exclamation under 'Active local hubs: Secure.' The other show nothing in the same field
Attempting to retrieve a Hub Mesh token via http://192.168.x.y/device/showHubMeshToken results in an authentication prompt and my hub credentials don't work - looks like I had to 'Reset' the Hub Mesh token even though I had never before created one.
Copying and pasting the Hub Mesh token from one hub to 'Active local hubs' did not refresh the page so the insecure circled red exclamation remained
There isn't an option to select all under ' Link to remote devices'
Also while Importing Rules from my PROD hub to new TEST hub:
There isn't an option to select all under Rules to import
Every device match during the 'Select Apps and Device Replacements' step of Rules import was incorrect
At some point, probably sooner rather than later, the variables will be Hub Mesh sharable directly without the connectors, but for now that is the officially supported method. I do have an unofficial method that eliminates the connectors until then though:
I would have thought that deleting the source device should have removed its associate copy. If they are still in the Share Local Devices on the source hub's Hub Mesh screen unchecking those my do the delete, if not then no way that I know of to remove in bulk; only one at a time.