Hub mesh device doesn't work with google home

Google Home on my C4 has a Z-wave bulb from my C7 hub shared to the C4 via Hub Mesh. I can control the bulb from both the device pages on C4 & C7, but when I add the bulb to the Google app on the C4, it does not work and actually gets removed from the devices selected to be used with Google Home.
Is this a case of RTFM or a bug?

The first thing I'd do is make sure the bulb has all attribute values populated, including color temperature (if it's RGBW or CT), hue, saturation, and level. Running a "Set Color" and "Set Color Temperature," or whatever your bulbs support, may help with this, or just a "Refresh." If it's fine on the "real" hub but not the Hub Mesh hub, you might also just try (or wait for) a device sync to see if that helps.

Google Home is known to be picky if these are missing, so that's my first guess!

Did that. It appears the system is removing the entry by itself.

the is the hubmesh device

Is this a custom driver? It may be getting removed because GH doesn't support that device type--or again maybe not all the attributes are populated. What does Current States on the device detail page look like?

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It was a custom driver. Just changed to the stock driver, and it still gets removed. I just added another mesh device, a Smart+ LED Porch Flex on HomeC7(zigbee) to my C4 and that works fine, but the inovelli bulb, even with stock driver keeps getting removed. Previously I had created a virtual bulb to use google with it, and I was like why the hell did I do that? Well now I remember...

Probably something off in Current States. What does that section look like with the driver(s) you're using?

This is the C7 the bulb is paired with


Looks like it's missing the colorMode and colorName attributes. I'm not sure what all Google Home needs to be happy, but one or both of these might be it. I'd be surprised if Hubitat's built in driver didn't generate these events, but it looks like Inovelli's custom one should. If neither works, I'm not sure what could be going on. I'd hit "Configure" after you change drivers, for sure, and maybe also try "Save Device." "Refresh" or running commands that set color and color temperature, as above, may also help, though it sounds like you've already tried that with some driver.

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You're pretty observant my friend. I just set the bulb's color from the meshed copy, and now it works with google home. The meshed copy's device states now have an additional state

PS I also upgraded both hubs to, not sure if that helped


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