I have a fairly new C-8. My hub crashed overnight and complained about database corruption. I followed the Soft Reset procedure and now it's stuck at "Initializing Hub: 60% - starting UPNP". I've tried changing software versions yo no avail. The diagnostic page always seems to boot, but the UI doesn't always start. When it does, it hangs.
I have plenty of local backups but I really, really don't want to lose my radio config. I'm perfectly happy to pay for any service at this point, but maybe it's too late. For example, I would buy Hub Protect, or even a new hub, if I could force a cloud backup.
I have a cloud backup from when I upgraded the hub but there have been a number of devices added since then.
Your quick reply would be highly appreciated -- my home is "down".
Thanks! I seem to be running again, for the moment. I was able to get it to boot in Safe Mode, even though that didn't work the first time I tried. I quickly did a migration backup. I then restored my database and miraculously it worked. I then signed up for Hub Protect ("There are two kinds of people: those who backup and those who don't backup yet..."). So now my level of panic is greatly reduced. I am happy to send along the hub ID if you think you can learn anything at this point.
There is another category, those who wish they backup. I am known to be part of this group. Glad you're back. Please be sure to update to the latest version right away, and keep us posted if you encounter any more problems.
I’m experiencing the exact same issue with my C8 Pro hub. Like you, my hub is stuck at “Starting UPNP” (60%) after a database corruption and soft reset. I’ve also tried various software versions without success - the diagnostic page always loads but the UI won’t start.
I have good backups in place but would greatly appreciate your assistance in resolving this issue if you’re able to help.