I am running hub watchdog.
EVERY morning at around 2am the watchdog figures go from between 0.09 to 0.3 to 10 to 20 seconds.
This is during the maintenance window.
My auto backups run at 03:00 so I know it's not this that is causing it.
I have asked in a previous thread what actually happens in a maintenance window but never had a response to it.
As I'm getting my much needed beauty sleep at this time I didn't pursue it but it would have been nice to get a response.
I'm glad you're getting your sleep, my beauty!
To Hubitat Management: @bravenel etal:
Perhaps you've already thought about this, perhaps not.
Perhaps we should not have to do this, but perhaps it will help many users.
We can make this optional, by allowing the user to opt-out, by putting something in "settings"
Why not make, as part of the daily backup procedure at 3am, a period of "maintenance". As part of that "maintenance" you reboot the hub, or even perhaps do some "soft reset procedure".
P.S. A number of other competitors do this daily (e.g. Vera, etc.).
Please consider this a "feature change".
By making it optional, you can ensure that everyone who doesn't want to occur, will not have it occur.
There may be a small number of users who will not be able to do a reboot - but they have will issues anyway.
I know that you shouldn't have to do this, but isn't it expedient to do it this way?
Skipping it entirely might cause more support issues than they can handle. Perhaps just the ability to change the schedules start time of maintenance, and if necessary move the backup time forward with the change in maintenance time.
That is, if it’s at all possible. There’s typically a good response to requests from many people here, but this one hasn’t seen any love. So maybe it’s just not an option that’s under their control.
Looks like I had a faulty hub. HE sent me a replacement hub and the performance is a LOT better with all my apps and devices migrated. Much better experience finally
Did you migrate everything over manually or were you able to use a backup?
I am having the same issue and have ordered another hub. My plan is to leave my devices paired to my current hub and move all of my apps and cloud devices to the new hub and use Hub Connect. The new hub will do the thinking and the old hub will talk to the devices. Would love to hear other ideas. I have 217 devices 19 of which are cloud based.
Edit: Polling any Z-Wave devices makes the hub slow down at an increased rate in both time and severity. I still wonder if there is some kind of memory leak.
Manually. I only have 35 or so devices so wasn't too bad for me. Can't imagine even beginning to move everything around if I had 217 devices. Would leave others more experienced to chime in on your best options. I do use Hubconnect to connect HE to SmartThings and it works great
I have all of my lights on my original hub, and just end devices and repeaters I trust on the new hub. I recreated most of the rules on the new hub and put my Hue bridge integration (CoCoHue actually) there as well. I kept Alexa on the "lights" hub thinking it would cut down on traffic that way. I'm using HubConnect with the 2 HE hubs, a ST hub (for Echo Speaks), and 2 HomeBridge instances for my Home dashboard. I haven't seen slowdowns so far and it all has been very reliable.
Interested to know your reason to “poll” devices as it’s known to strain the little ZWave radios throughput.
I have some non Z-Wave plus switches that do not report status if actvated manually. They are used in rules and the rules do not run because the hub does not know they were turned on. Example, I have a rule to turn off bathroom exhaust fans 15 minutes after they are turned on. Since I moved to Hubitat, that rule will not run. It was never a problem with SmartThings or Iris.
You probably are aware of this: SmartThings has a ZWave Poller running too, just it's permanent and polls everything, antique tech or not and is hidden. Remember, their hub doesn't have very much to do. Samsung swears they are going to get more local processing, but then the hub is going to be competing with the hidden ZWave Poller task.
I'm getting this same error on my new hub and my hub gets very slow when I get it. No idea what's going on. This time, I've only been getting it for about 2 weeks. Maybe my database has gotten corrupted again? I did a soft reset but still get the same error.
org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Column "device_id" not found [42122-197] on line 915 (dashboardDevices2)
I'm also seeing similar error messages in the logs with extreme slow downs.
Hubitat Team - What is causing this issue? HELP!
org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Column "device_id" not found
That error seems to be caused by the hub (or an app) looking for a device that has been removed, but not completely removed from all rules. Watch the log while you trigger rules/devices and you should be able to narrow it down.
It turned out to be HubConnect Beta when using websockets. There was an infinite loop when sending events to hubs, causing timeouts, errors, etc.
This is not a bug, but it does highlight an area which requires some careful forethought. It's important that you only have mode/hsm change going in one direction. In otherwords, modes (or HSM events) should either flow inward to your server hub from remote hubs, or outward to your remotes from the server hub.
Doing both will cause a loop each hub generates a new event upon receiving a mode or hsm change, which then gets sent out over the websocket, generating a new event on each receiving hub.
I suggest thinking out your strategy for how you want mode and HSM changed to be handled, then configure your hubs mode and HSM settings accordingly.
Okay, that can be the design, but then why does the UI setup process allow for this? It caused a lot of confusion and not to mention I had a dedicated cloud hub for Google Home and SharpTools that I'm now moving to the HubConnect hub. I wish the UI did not allow for this so I couldn't have set it up this way to begin with. It would have saved me hours of time setting up GH and SharpTools.
I’m not sure what you mean by the UI “allowing” it.. The UI has no awareness of how the other hubs are configured.