Hub gets very slow by day 2 after restart

Sure, but if I can just disable it for a few minutes while the hub does its maintenance, that perfectly fine with me.

I’ll refer to this thoughtful post from Bruce today. I will say that I agree with him 100%. The things I’ve done to extend my hub and the wonderful free tools the Hubitat team has provided to create them are a blessing to me. My expansion in unorthodox ways can and does cause some issues. That’s on me. If MakerAPI really is causing this issue and they can and are able to figure it out, great. But I absolutely will not hold their feet to the fire for it. They are a small team of real people, thoughtful people, working their butts off to make this young hub the best they can, not a faceless corporation raking in money and dumping on their customers. They don’t deserve to be raked over the coals because of incompatibility issues like some on this forum are doing.

Deleted my previous post. Hub UI slowed to a crawl at 2 am and so I disable MakerAPI. I was then able to access pages again, but around 10 minutes later, the UI was slow again. I'm calling this inconclusive. Just spent the last 30 min disabling apps, some custom, some built-in. No improvements. Around 2:30 am the hub is just generally responsive again, but I think the hub maintenance is had simply finished. I don't find evidence one way or the other to support that MakerAPI, or any app on my system is to blame or not to blame.

There are no logs to see and no app events. Logs on the Homebridge server don't show anything. Sorry guys, but I don't have anything good to share on this subject. The mystery for me continues.