Hub forgetting zwave network

My hub has recently starting having issues where it was seemingly unresponsive to some devices and I would reboot it to fix it.

Recently, around a month ago, after rebooting due to devices not responding, the hub showed absolutely no zwave devices as if it forgot its entire zwave network.

After many reboots and restores of backups, the zwave network came back and things seemed to be well. A month later, same thing happens. Some devices can communicate but others don't. I rebooted to fix and there's no devices in the zwave network again.

Please advise with other things I can try or look at to try and fix this issue from happening again.

Please provide the model hub and version of firmware you are using.

My apologies, here is that information

Platform Version

Hardware Version


I made this post because I lost my network again when I upgraded the hub.

Maybe @gopher.ny needs to look at your engineering logs. If he does, PM him your hub UID.

Thanks. Just let me know what is needed.

I'm not sure what to provide as I am not sure on how to troubleshoot this and I didn't see anything in the logs available to me that hint at anything of value to me.

Should I send it to them proactively?

Oh a clarification, I upgraded to 142 then to 143 when I saw it was available. I didn't check if there was an issue before doing that.

For a short-term fix that you may have to re-apply off and on for now:

  1. Shut down hub
  2. Remove power cord
  3. Wait a minute or so
  4. Reconnect power to your hub

It should boot up w/Z-Wave devices restored.

Go to Settings>Hub for the hub ID.

Send a personal message (PM) to the address @gopher.ny. To do so:

  1. Click on your avatar at the top right corner of the screen
  2. Click on the envelop icon that appears int he option list twice
  3. Click on the New Message button and add the address and send the message w/your hub ID.

Thanks for the instructions. Reboots weren't helping, but adding the unplug worked.

I've messaged them my hub I'd.

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Things appear to be getting worse for my hub. I have not heard anything from @gopher.ny either.

At this moment, the Web UI is effectively non-responsive. Takes over a minute for page requests to complete. The device appears to be still responding to device events, just not the Web UI.

I discovered this by trying to setup a new button controller app for a Zigbee device I got from IKEA. I also tried to load Hubitat Package Manager App and it gave an error about taking too long and gave a link to the Logs, but those didn't show any events. Unsure if it couldn't read the log files, or if the request to load them failed.

Right now I am just trying to navigate and try to tell it to shutdown safely so I can do the reboot process recommended previously. I am starting to think there is some sort of hardware failure happening.

I've not heard from anyone about this issue.

How can I get a replacement as part of my protection subscription I am paying for?

I doubt the issue is hardware related but you can submit a ticket here: Subscriptions – Hubitat Support

Just wanted to point out all of that was probably not needed, as you found just powering down and unplugging would fix it.

My first recommended step is going to be Reboot the hub with the "Rebuild Database" option selected. Once that is done, shut down and remove power for 30 seconds to restart the radios.

See if that helps.

Also some questions, are you aware of any devices where you greatly increased the event and state history values on the device page?

What Apps do you have installed? What Devices?

Basically... all of the questions on this post ‼ READ FIRST - Before Posting in Get Help need to be answered to see the entire picture.

EDIT: Sorry one other thing, sounds like you have hub protect, how often do you have the cloud backups scheduled? There is a current known issue where sometimes the cloud backup will crash the z-wave and then fail. I think if you go to the cloud backup tab it will give you more details if it has failed.

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The quickest way is to create a subscription case by visiting below page:

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Sorry for the delay in responding. I'll try to answer all of your questions:

"Just wanted to point out all of that was probably not needed, as you found just powering down and unplugging would fix it."

While doing what was suggested did help that one time, I felt there is more going on due to things seemingly progressing to get worse and worse. As hinted at in my original post, an example issue would be that sometimes the motion detector in the living room would become seemingly unresponsive. I say seemingly because it seemed that eventually the hub would process it. The logs weren't useful as it basically would show that it had motion and then no motion very quickly over and over. Other devices worked and responded just fine. The living room motion sensor also had a good battery.

I had the Zigbee network be disabled for seemingly no reason. Ring Keypad can immediately receive messages from Hubitat, but unable to disarm the alarm from it. UI not responding, etc.

I would just reboot the hub every couple months and things would be "fine". The Z-Wave network not coming back is a new symptom to me. I understand that my other issues aren't easily troubleshot because it is random and I cannot readily reproduce issues, but combined with having to reboot more frequently recently and losing my Z-Wave network completely, I started to think it may be a hardware issue.

"Also some questions, are you aware of any devices where you greatly increased the event and state history values on the device page?"
As far as I am aware, I have not modified any event history settings for any device.

"What Apps do you have installed? What Devices?"

  • How is it connected to the LAN?
  • Ethernet / Wifi: Ethernet
  • Static IP set on Hub or DHCP: DHCP
  • DHCP Reservation set on Router/Server?: Yes
  • How is Hub being powered? Supplied power block or other (explain): Supplied power brick
  • Brief explanation of network topology.: It's directly connected to my main switch for my entire network. 1 WiFi AP with around 20 clients, 2 other switches.
  • Brief explanation of firewall / DNS / DHCP services.: UniFi Network and switches. Pi-Hole DNS filtering
  • Is Jumbo Frames enabled anywhere on the LAN? Unknown
  • How many devices total (approx) and mix between Zwave, Zigbee, LAN/Wi-fi: 60
  • What user / custom integrations are you using for LAN/IP/Cloud based connections? Flume Water monitor, UniFi, Airthings.
  • Screenshots of Past Logs from the incident, and also of any errors being generated recently.: I don't know what logs to provide for the specific issue I was seeing.

" how often do you have the cloud backups scheduled? "
These are weekly. I can try to note if the issue happens around the time it is doing this.

Regarding the getting started post, the section that says to reboot and choose rebuild the DB, I have done that on my Hub to see if it helps at all.