Hub discovery

Hi all,

Just got a new HE hub and tried to do a hub discovery in the portal but it doesn't find it.

My setup is:

  • TP Link M9 plus in the house (2 devices). One connected to wall (main)
  • No router in the house beside TP link M9
  • Connected my HE hub to one M9 device though ethernet cable.
  • Assign a static IP to my HE hub as requested in the documentation

Result so far:

  • I am seeing my hubitat hub in the TP link app (IP address and mac address)
  • it is on the same network than all other devices as far as I can see

Nevertheles, whatever I am entering MAC address, Address IP or just trying to do a discovery, my hub is not existing for Hubitat portal.

Any suggestions please ?

Thank you in advance.

I have two hubs one (my original C-3) discovered normally the C-5 however I had to enter the MAC address in the advanced discovery screen in the portal to find it for some reason, but it sounds like that didn't work for you either? If your hub was pre owned I suggest resetting it from :8081 but if it was new I'd send an email to support if you haven't.

I have found my answer. is coming from my work laptop that has specific configuration.