httpGet changed?

did the response from httpGet change in any way?

This code:

def paramsUD = [uri: ""]
   try {
    httpGet(paramsUD) { respUD ->
  // "response data: ${}"
   def copyNow = (
   state.copyrightNow = copyNow
   def cobraVer = (
   def cobraOld = state.appversion.replace(".", "")
   if(cobraOld < cobraVer){
		state.verCheck = "** New Version Available **"
       log.warn "There is a newer version of this app available"
  state.verCheck = "Current"
    catch (e) {
    log.error "Something went wrong: $e"

Worked perfectly until recently

Now I get this error...

So what changes were made that I missed?


There were no changes to httpGet, but it appears that you changed the file in github. I ran that url through postman and it is returning "text/plain" for the content type, so that is why it is not being parsed into an object and instead is just giving you a String back.

Yes, I changed the location in an effort to try and see if it was related

The original file was

Is this file also showing as text?


Nope, that comes back with application/json:

Thanks Chuck
I’ll try again with this file


thanks for all your help
I found a missing comma in the json file !
I'm an idiot!

All working now


I found that helpful. Like a lot of syntax problems, jsonlint doesn't come out and say "hey, missing comma" but it does say good/bad quite well. And sometimes that's half the battle !!

The site says you can enter a URL and it'll scrape it for JSON but it doesn't follow links. Browsing to your JSON and then entering THAT URL yields the warm: Valid JSON :slight_smile:

I edit with Atom text editor and it does a nice job of pointing out my mistakes. Nice when working on an RPi image file too. You can see, edit and delete the hidden files.

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Thanks for the info guys
I need to be more careful and not blame Hubitat :slight_smile:
