HTTP Get Rule Machine +Blue Iris Solved

This is simply a FYI post for a problem I have now solved.

I spent a week trying to figure out how to have my Phillips HUE Motion Detector trigger Blue Iris camera to make a recording. I used HTTP Get request to Blue Iris, this worked (sometimes) in a browser but not through Hubitat using RM, Virtual Switches, etc.

The fix is this.

NOT working: http://server.address:80/admin?camera=Driveway&trigger&user=username&pw=FakePW123!!

Working: http://server.address:80/admin?camera=Driveway&trigger&user=username&pw=FakePw9191

In the second GET Request, the PW doesn't contain special characters such as "!". Special characters in passwords can screw up the URL when sending these requests. Making a password without special characters fixed the problem.

I Googled for weeks trying to figure it out through old Hubitat posts, so hopefully when people search for my same problem in the future they'll find this post.



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