HTTP Get Request does not work in RM, works in Chrome

I am trying to send an HTTP Get Request in Rule Machine.

Similar to: h ttp://IP:PORT/admin?uservar=%userval%&pwvar=%pwval%&var1=1
(purposely mis-spelled due to some forum restriction)

The URL works fine in Chrome.

When I run it in Rule Machine nothing happens. No error is reported in the logs, and the log reports "Action: Send GET to: " plus all the URL stuff (h ttp://IP:PORT/admin?uservar=%userval%&pwvar=%pwval%&var1=1)

I have tried both storing the URL as a variable in Hubitat as well as just having it manually written out in my rule. I have also tried Setting the URL variable to URLEncode and then sending that via Get, but it did not work. Opening the encoded URL in Chrome does not work so not sure where to go from here?


I think I figured it out, in case anyone comes across this in the future.

Blue Iris Settings > Web Server > Advanced > Use secure session keys and login page (un check this).

This allows the HTTP Get to be processed correctly. However, it makes it so you must log in every time if you want to use the UI3 Web Browser interface, which is a pain on both PC and mobile. So I checked it back on, but this time added the following to the "Limit access by IP address:" field to the right...
xxx being the IP address of my Hubitat, the important part being the carrot ^. Not sure what kind of security risk this may present, I hoping someone else can chime in if they know of any better ways of doing this.

If you're running an MQTT server, Blue Iris can accept admin commands via that route and you don't have to worry about http authentication. If you're interested I can share details of how l use that.