HSM triggering in HomeKit during Intrusion Delay


I use Homebridge v2 to show my Hubitat Safety Monitor (HSM) in Apple HomeKit.

I have a delay configured in HSM for 20 seconds so if the front door opens when the system is set to armed away an intrusion isn’t triggered, however during this delay period HomeKit still triggers a security alert:

Does anyone know what might be going on please?


Are you using this app? https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-homebridge-hubitat-v2-0/

If so, you might want to ask in that thread.

From a quick look at the bottom of this file (https://github.com/tonesto7/homebridge-hubitat-tonesto7/blob/master/src/HE_Transforms.js)
on GitHub, I don't think it currently accounts for delay statuses and would need to be changed by the app developer to alter the behavior you're seeing.

Hi Alan,

Yes, I am using the Hombridge Hubitat App - thank you for the suggestion I've raised bug/issue 212 in GitHub.

Best wishes,

I resolved this through modifying the App Code for Homebridge v2 (looks like the app is no longer being updated by the original author).

Around line 1851 where the 'hsmAlert' cases are being evaluated I added a case that explicitly looks for the string 'intrusion-delay' as the original code was simply looking for anything prefixed with 'intrusion' which would include the delay string:

        case 'hsmAlert':
            deviceid = "alarmSystemStatus_${location?.id}"
            attr = 'alarmSystemStatus'
            if (value?.toString() == 'intrusion-delay') {
            // Handle 'intrusion-delay' case separately
            sendEvt = false
            } else if (value?.toString()?.startsWith('intrusion')) {
                sendItems.push([evtSource: src, evtDeviceName: deviceName, evtDeviceId: deviceid, evtAttr: attr, evtValue: getAlarmIntrusionMode(), evtUnit: evt?.unit ?: sBLANK, evtDate: dt])
            } else if (value?.toString() == 'cancel') {
                sendItems.push([evtSource: src, evtDeviceName: deviceName, evtDeviceId: deviceid, evtAttr: attr, evtValue: getSecurityStatus(), evtUnit: evt?.unit ?: sBLANK, evtDate: dt])
            } else { sendEvt = false }

Full link to raw code:

I have the same issue with the Homebridge v2 and the countdown triggering a critical alert in HomeKit. I edited the app code with your change, but it still seems to trigger the critical alert in homekit. Any further ideas to make this work? I only tried it in "home" mode (not away nor night mode). Thanks!