HSM not reacting to virtual switch

I have an Aqara contact sensor, which I am importing into HK with the Aqara hub. Then, I am creating a virtual switch using Virtual Switch uDTH Lite to import into Hubitat.

When arming my system, the alert is not triggered when the contact in Hubitat is opened.

Am I missing something?


A lot more information would be helpful to figure this out, including:

  • does the virtual device generate events when you expect? Check "Events" on the device detail page to see for sure
  • how is HSM configured? (A screenshot says a thousand words.)
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Thanks for your quick response! Yes, it does generate events. I even got it to message me when the door is open (independently of HSM).

Here's how I arm the system (arm switch):

And here's how I have HSM configued:

The "Use every open/close and shock sensor..." option in HSM can only reference actual contact and shock sensor devices that are paired directly to HE, not virtual switches that are used to mirror in such devices from somewhere else.