HSM Battery Alert

Two questions here. First, in creating my battery rules, one for warning at 35% and one for critical at 5% and activating the rules - I got no alerts. That makes sense since this is a subscription, not a poll. That said, I triggered several of my motion sensors (ST 2015 & ST 2016) and the logging shows the battery levels, but no alerts - and a LOT of them are reporting within the thresholds - some even reporting ZERO - which is a tad annoying.

Second thing, why is battery reporting SO unreliable? I have some sensors if I put in brand new batteries they will report 67% and most of them will continue working LONG after getting to 1% or 0%. I hate replacing batteries all the time when I am sure they are not "dead" yet.

This is very true with ST motion sensors - my "generic" door contact sensors are horrible at reporting - they stay at 100% until they stop working.

Are you saying that several identical sensors report battery levels differently or that different manufacturers sensors report differently ??
It could be that ‘one manufacturer’ chooses to under rate the battery level to ensure their sensor is able to operate without issue or it could be a poorly written driver or firmware within the device.

All my motion sensors are ST 2015/2016 models. They WAY under report and no clear idea when batteries should actually be changed.

All my contact sensors are generic zwave door sensors - they ALWAYS report 100% - never updates.