HSM Battery Alert @ 100%

I'll wait for the next alarm, I can't see it in the past logs... will let you know

You are right, I will wait for the next alarm and give the information to Bruce, then I will delete the custom alarms app in HSM and start over, I don't have much entered in there.



Here is a new battery Alert from HSM

Same 7.5 value, different motion sensor. Same parameters , Alert below 50 %, every 60 minutes

What driver is used by this device?

It's a Zooz 4 in 1 motion sensor using the Hubitat included driver. Yesterday it was a Aeotec Trisensor also using the included driver but I didn't catch it in the logs in time.

I removed the HSM child named Batteries, and recreated it and it's working fine now, been 2 days without any Alerts

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