HSM arming & disarming

Hi all, i am looking to migrate my home security to HSM. i have been trying to use the Ring keypad with little success, @armand gave some great pointers but that guidance does not give me full use of a keypad. I would like to quote @armand -
"You don't set a pin for each mode. You can define pins using the Ring device in Hubitat. Open the ring device, then you will see a Set Code button. Enter the code, the position, and a name to refer to the code as (usually people's names)

Then click the button, and it will add the code to lock Codes attribute. Each code can be used for arm, arm-partial, and disarm (non-descrimately). When a code is used, the securityKeypad attribute will be updated to reflect the state of the keypad, and the lastCodeName will be updated with the name of who put the keypad in that state.

HSM simply monitors the attributes to know when the keypad changes modes the set the HSM mode accordingly. And if HSM mode changes, HSM sets the keypad's associated mode. Since ring only has arm-partial, and arm, the arm is associated with arm-away, and arm-partial is associated with either arm-home, or arm-night, but never both. This means you can use the keypad to arm home to arm while home, and HSM will not be able to support arm-night on the keypad. I am not sure if it is possible, but you might be able to do something so that if you arm HSM in arm-home or arm-night, the keypad's arm-partial gets set, but this might be tricky, since setting the keypad will likely result in a z-wave event being sent back the HSM notifying HSM the arm-partial was activated, and undoing your HSM armed state.

For my house, I don't use arm-night, just arm-home. This solves the limitation for me. I also had to turn off the arming delay. When it was turned on, the keypad would start an arming countdown, and never arm.

I tried to verify I had the latest firmware, but I could not find a link to download the ring keypad firmware -- they manage it through their hub automatically."


Have you tried arming delay off on the keypad, and arming delay on in HSM? If you set both on the keypad will do it’s countdown and then notify HSM which will then do another countdown.

I think if your keypad is fully linked right, you should be able to have an arm delay for away — I do. The only thing I could not do was arm delay for arm-home. But as @thebearmay suggested, you can leave the keypad countdown turned off, and set the count down in HSM.
You can even create a rule to play the countdown chime when the keypad is armed and while HSM is not armed. Customization is up to your imagination depending on how in-depth you want to get with rules and programming. I am not sure at this time, how you would do this, but there are a few options available. For instance, if you know the arm delay is 30 seconds, you could make it play a chime when the keypad enters armed mode, for 30 seconds. I will try to see if I can see the arm delay behavior over VPN.. if so I will follow-up

@armand i got it paired, set up two pins; one for the boss and one for myself. i saw your suggestion of setting a "0" delay for arming home, so i did that.'
I installed lock code manager as @Brandon suggested and saw the two codes; all good so far.

However i cannot seem to punch in the codes to arm or disarm anything; and yes i punched in the code then the mode.......... no tick as you said in the thread.

What am i missing? and also what is the "code position" used for?

Lastly please forgive me if i appear to be a bit slow; this stuff is a new realm for me

You will not need to use code position as you should set the keypad codes via Lock Code Manager. It is used though as the unique identifier for the code so if you have three users you would have position 1,2 and 3 with a username and code.

Please go in to devices and show a screenshot of your state variables. Also please verify that lockcodes (under current states) is showing your codes should look like

Also what Firmware are you running?

[EDIT]May want to look at this, was going to wait to point you in a direction until I saw your response to make sure it fits, but going to watch a show and don't want to lose the link, follow the link and scroll up a couple and look at the state variables picture, it was missing the entry exit delays. If this is the case the link has a fix:

This was for firmware 2.2.5

I don’t think you are missing anything. Are you on the latest Hubitat version? And are you sure about you generation of you keypad?

@armand & @Brandon; thanks ... it was the firmware , was running 119, upgraded to 227 and it worked. Had "night" configured however needed to change that to a"arm away" as the keypad i believe does not support that but in order to do get rid of the "arm night" button on the keypad device page i needed to delete HSM and reload it......... strange

Now i beg your patience as i ask how do i configure the panic button and if i may push how to create actions based on specific codes such as to activate modes if this is possible

I asked for this feature a while back. The devs have not implemented them as of yet. What I asked for was for each panic button to trigger a button press at the very least. And for a disarm by keypad to clear alerts too.

As for triggering actions by code, I don’t think that is possible, except to tie them to arm/disarm events, or keypad’s custom attribute “securityKeypad”

When you disarm the keypad, you can create a rule based on keypad code entered, and selecting who disarms it or all.
I dont know if this is a bug, but for armed events the rule will not trigger.

So, to speak a greeting to the keypad user, you would need to check the securityKeypad attribute and the lastCodeName attribute.

But these are the only ways I know of. Simply entering a pin code doesn’t do anything without an associated action.

So just confirming.

I have the Ring Keypad directly links (z-wave) to HE and use it for HSM.

The buttons on the left (Fire/Medical/Police) cannot be currently used for anything?

In the HE devices list i can see the ArmNight Function and see a 'PartialFunction' but not sure how to make the arm night work from the keypad itself. I read this thread and unfortunately didn't make it much clearer for me.

@felix, @armand gave us the answer........... the buttons doesn't do anything (as yet) and you can only have two functions i.e arm away, arm home or arm night.......... not all 3. i used arm away and arm home. Also lock code manager is a good built in app to have

As I understand it, you have disarm, and arm away always available. The middle button is called arm-partial. In HSM it can be used for either arm home or arm night, but not both. Perhaps it is possible to change the behavior between arm home and arm night based on mode — this would probably require a rule that changes the setting in the app be toggled when the mode changes. Although there may be a feature for this now that I am not aware of — I have not used it sing the 2.2.5 updates, and I don’t recall looking at it al all in the 2.2.4 updates, as once Ingot it working, I stopped playing with it.

The three emergency buttons, as far as I am aware, still cannot be used. I did do some button mapping testing with the developers at one time, and I know that they can be integrated if they want to do it. This may fall in the custom driver use case though.

So I recently noticed my Ring isn't working correctly anymore. There are a few issues here though.

The first issue is in HSM. When I work up, and put the dogs outside, my alarm went off. I wen to my keypad to disarm, and the keypad actions (arm partial, arm away, disarm) all failed. Looking at HSM, I noticed the arm-home delay was set to 10 seconds

But the actual setting is 0 seconds

This shouldn't be an issue on it's own, but I discovered in the past that arm partial would only work with the delay set to 0.

I checked the setting page, and confirmed that the stored value is actually 0, not 10. I suspect the code misinterpreting 0 as not defined, and defaulting to 10 seconds.

The rest of my issues seem completely defined within Ring keypad code, so I will post a follow-up with what I am seeing.

The point of this comment is to determine if this HSM bug is affecting the Ring, or if the ability to arm-partial with a delay has now been fixed on the ring keypad, or if I still need to use a delay of 0 for the keypad arming to to work. (it appears I still need 0)

Following up on the Ring Keypad itself. If I click the "configure" command, I get the error "MissingMethodException: No signature of method: ringKeypadG2.configure() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.Integer) values: [2]"

Obviously, there is not option to pass arguments in the HE GUI:

That is the first issue.

Next is the issue with pin codes not working. I enter the pins and press each of the arm, arm-partial, and disarm, and the logs show the events, but HSM does not react, and the keypad is stuck in arm-away mode. Nothing I can do will clear it. I disarmed HSM manually in the GUI and the keypad is still stuck in arm-away mode.

Is the possibly an incompatibility between the Ring and HSM that is preventing the keypad from working correctly in all scenarios? The keypad itself is obviously working, and HSM is obviously working, but HSM with Ring is not working except after keypad and him are both disarmed . once both disarmed they seem to sync up and work as intended.

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