HSM and mode tile update issues since dashboard 2.0

Having an issue with the HSM and Mode tiles not updating on my Dashboard 2.0.
I have waited several minutes and it never changes.

Only occurs on Cloud, if I open VPN connection and use local the update is immediate.

I have buttons that set the Mode
I have HSM auto change based on Mode

From my Android Pie phone the HSM and Mode tiles never update to reflect the changes.

I have also tested by clicking on the mode tile and selecting the mode from the menu. Same behavior.

Only way I see the update is if I force close the chrome instance of the dashboard and reopen.

While this is all happening the garage door tile is changing state to reflect being opened and closed.

Whats the next step to troubleshoot?

Thanks for reporting. Will check into this and let your know.

Confirmed this is an issue with the cloud side of dashboard v2.0

One reload / refresh of the page, the status is correct, right? Just doesn't update with changes either in the tile itself or if the hub changes its state?

Will have a fix, but not sure when we will have this deployed. Should be soon.

yes a chrome refresh then properly shows the states.


FYI, it’s not just modes and HSM.

Cloud dashboard refresh should be fixed now.

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I'm seeing this issue on a local dashboard HSM tile even with a refresh it isn't showing armed night like it should

Nevermind, after I posted this I looked closer at my HSM settings and had both Home Day and Home Night set to Disarm modes

Hi, for some reason I can't see the HSM tile option when trying to add a tile to my dashboard. I want this to be able to disarm and rearm if/when a leak sensor is wet. I currently have water armed through HSM. I also added an intrusion alarm too just in case it needed that too.

Ok, I figured out how to add the tile (add just the template but no device). But it doesn't show the armed status correctly. Says all disarmed when my Water Alarm is armed. Also, choosing the arm/disarm options don't seem to do anything (using a passcode).

I’m experiencing this whenever HSM state is changed my tablets that use local aren’t reflecting the change. This use to work fine but no longer working. Other status changes are showing properly whenever made but it’s only HSM not updating.

Refreshing shows it properly.

I'm having trouble with the app on phone and the tile when it pops open to give arm options. I'm unable to select anything. Except I see the hsm tile flash every time I press on the screen.